God Establishes the Boundaries

           The United Nations Human Rights Council is at it again concerning their condemnation of Israel. It seems “Israel bashing” is fashionable for this organization. Once again this anti-Israel organization has singled out Israel for discriminatory and bigoted treatment.  It recently released a list of 112 companies that operate in the Jewish settlements in the West bank for the purpose of targeting these companies as part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign and to economically damage companies that are owned by Jews or do business with Israel.

        This report released by the UNHRC received 32 member votes from the UN while 15 states abstained and yet not one state in the UN voted against the report. Those within the UNHRC targeting these Jewish businesses in the West Bank are in reality aimed at harming the Jewish State. The United Nations Human Rights Council claims that activities from these Jewish companies operating in the west Bank have “raised particular human rights concerns.”

        However, those involved in the creation of this ‘blacklist’ have a long history of singling out Israel for condemnation while turning a blind eye to entities that aim to harm and destroy Israel.  The list targets some of Israel’s largest companies, many of which provide job opportunities for Arabs from the West bank and Jerusalem. The United Nations has never issued a blacklist of companies before despite the fact that many businesses around the world are profiteering off of the so called ‘disputed’ territories.

       Only Israeli businesses are being singled out and blacklisted. While the head of the UN Human Rights Council says it is not blacklisting these Jewish companies in reality, and from their past condemnation of Israel, this is exactly what they are doing! Rather than causing dissension between Arabs and Jews these companies are providing good well- paying jobs for the Arabs employed by them and together providing a sense of peace in the West Bank. They are doing more to promote peace and harmony between Jews and Arabs than the United Nations ever did.

       In speaking out against this discrimination against Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has openly declared that Israel will boycott any nation that boycotts them and he is well within his rights to say this. While the UN by and large sees the Israelis as occupiers and in some cases even a form of apartheid God sees it differently. God owns the Land of Israel and has bequeathed it as an “everlasting possession” for His people who are the descendants of Isaac and Jacob and not to the descendants of Ishmael and Esau, the fathers of the Arab nations. (Genesis 17:7-8, 21)

       God gave Abraham the exact boundaries of the land of Israel. (Genesis 18:16-19) The land included the geographical boundaries from the River of Egypt (the Nile) to the great river Euphrates. This means that all of modern Israel including Judea, Samaria and Gaza, the lower half of Lebanon and Syria, all of Jordan and half of Iraq is included in the covenant promise.

       If we take Scripture literally; then we must come to the conclusion that the nation of Israel is one unified country and that Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, is part of Israel-deeded by God to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This should not surprise us. The fact that God set the boundaries of Israel is consistent in both the Old and New Covenant Scriptures.

       As Paul wrote concerning all the nations of the world; “and He (God) made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us (Acts 17:26-27)

       The Lord God establishes the boundaries of every nation on the planet and especially Israel. The link between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people was established by God, not man! And this “Land of Promise” includes the West Bank. Those nations who oppose this mandate from God oppose Him and will find themselves on the wrong side when the Lord Jesus has come back and the nations stand before Him to be judged on the basis of how they have treated His Jewish brothers and sisters. (Matthew 25:31-46) It does not pay to mess with God’s people as they are still “the Apple of His eye!”

       As the pre-existent Messiah said to the Jewish nation through the prophet Zechariah; “For thus said the Lord of hosts, after His glory sent Me (The Messiah is speaking) to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” (Zechariah 2:8) God establishes the boundaries for Israel, not man!