The Temple that Really Counts!

Will Trump build the Temple?

A very interesting article appeared in last weeks edition of Israel Today online. The Headline read; “Top Israeli Rabbi Believes Trump Will Build Third Temple in Jerusalem.” The article went on to say; “US President Donald Trump’s unabashed support for the Jewish state and his public recognition of Jerusalem as its capital have many Israelis electrified. The current American leader’s positive attitude toward Israel seems nearly illogical, especially after decades of far more hostile trends. A prominent Israeli rabbi believes the reason for this unprecedented (at least in modern times) shift is that Trump has a big role to play in the building of the Third Temple and the coming of Messiah. Rabbi Yosef Berger is the rabbi in charge of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, and the son of a widely revered Hasidic leader.”

The Millennial Temple

It is most encouraging to see President Trump support Israel and God will bless those who bless His people and curse those who don’t. (Genesis 12:2-3) Having said this, if President Trump is the catalyst that enables the Temple to be rebuilt, will the Temple and its sacrifices be acceptable to the LORD? Very briefly, after doing some homework, it seems to be clear from the Bible that the Temple built at the end of this age will not be the Millennial Temple described in the prophet Ezekiel. The Millennial Temple will be a new Temple all together as the old one will have been defiled by the man of sin. (2 Thessalonians 2:4) The Temple that will count as far as God is concerned will be the Millennial Temple as described in the prophet Ezekiel. In this Temple sacrifices and offerings will be offered up as memorials to the atoning work of the Messiah. The sacrifices will be accepted by God because He has accepted the once and for all time atoning sacrifice of His Son.

Ezekiel’s Temple

Looking at scripture as to the location of the Millennial Temple  it seems to indicate that it will be built within the site of the original City of David. It will be redeemed Israelites that will build it according to God’s instructions revealed in Ezekiel at the commencement of the Messianic Millennial Kingdom. The dimensions of the Millennial Temple according to Ezekiel will far exceed the current geographical area of the currently accepted site of the Temple Mount.

Within the City of David

It would seem that the Temple the Rabbis will build at the end of this present age, possibly may well be on the current site where the Dome of the rock Mosque now sits. Somehow, if this scenario is correct, the Mosque will have to be removed, demolished or bulldozed? President Trump may well be the man who makes it possible for the religious Jews in Israel to rebuild the Temple but according to the Bible the only site that really counts is the one within the original City of David sitting over the Gihon Springs, the same city that David brought to ark to and set it in its place. (2 Samuel 4:8-10) (1 Chronicles 15:1-3)

The Temple that really counts

Added to this any sacrifices and offerings, offered up to atone for Israel’s sin in a rebuilt temple prior to and including the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, will not be acceptable to God because of the perfect, complete and finished work of atonement made by the blood of the Messiah our Lord Jesus. The book of Hebrews in the New Testament confirms this great eternal biblical truth. Nothing can or should be added to or taken away from this Passover sacrifice made by the Messiah once and for all time and never to be repeated again. It is fixed in eternity because “the Lamb of God was slain from before the foundation of the world.” His sacrifice alone is the one that counts in all of eternity. In this age the real Temple that counts is the one made up of living stones which is the Body of the Messiah and the one in whom God dwells by His Spirit. It is God’s Holy Temple wherein His followers worship Him in Spirit and in truth. (1 Peter 2:5) (John 4:24) In this present age that’s the Temple that really counts!