NEWSBITE 5.5.2021

Three days ago in the online publication of Israel Unwired a headline read; “Netanyahu Warns Iran, They Will Not Get A Nuclear Weapon” the article went on to say; “The Biden administration appears ready to lift nuclear ready sanctions in exchange for Iran’s return to the 2015 nuclear deal. Israel gives on last warning as the Middle East marches towards war. While the Biden administration and other world powers are busy trying to woo Iran into a nuclear deal, Israel is preparing to go after Iran itself. Biden’s team seriously underestimated Israel’s resolve and determination when it comes to destroying the Iranian nuclear program. With the nuclear agreement in its advanced stages they are beginning to realize that Israel has the ability to upend the Middle East. Israel’s Intelligence Minister, Eli Cohen to Reuters; “Anyone seeking short-term benefits should be mindful of the longer-term,” “Israel will not allow Iran to attain nuclear arms. Iran has no immunity anywhere. Our planes can reach everywhere in the Middle East – and certainly Iran.” There are three things to consider…

 Firstly you have America’s Dilemma.

Joe Biden is determined to go ahead with the Iran nuclear deal even though it may not have the same stringent sanctions that were put on it by the Trump Administration. It seems political correctness outweighs Iran’s terrorist activities. There was a video released some time ago where the Ayatollah was speaking to a large group of young Iranian men. It was clear that the Ayatollah’s rhetoric was inciting hate towards America and Israel. At the end of his somewhat fiery rhetoric the young men started to cry out “death to America, death to Israel” in a cacophony of loud voices filled with seething anger and with militant intent. Yet Biden wants to re-negotiate a deal with Iran?

The Democrats in reality are delusional in their thinking on this matter. What do you think Iran will do once they go nuclear? Do you think America would be spared by that tyrannical regime? The dilemma for America is that they are being pushed by wicked and unprincipled politicians in the Whitehouse into pursuing a course with Iran that can only end in disaster for America in the long term. America is not immune from a missile strike. Radical Islamic gunboats have swarmed US Naval ships in the Persian Gulf once again and warning shots were fired from the US naval vessels which saw the Iranian gunboats withdraw.

Secondly, you have Iran’s Desperation.

The Ayatollah regime needs financing and already we see China doing a 25 years economic deal with Iran. The dilemma for Iran is that they know full well that Israel will never let them go nuclear. While the Ayatollahs know they have the support of America in relation to re-establishing the nuclear agreement, the finance of China, the extra financing coming from America and with the approval of the EU, the Ayatollahs will still have to confront Israel who will not back down and the Iranians know this. Added to this Israel has left them in no doubt that they will strike Iran if they need to. While Prime Minister Netanyahu is in power Iran knows full-well that to start a conflagration with Israel would be like trying to catch a tiger by the tail that would turn and bite them. If Prime Minister Netanyahu is removed then the Iranian regime may sing a different song in regards to attacking Israel.

Thirdly, you have Israel’s Determination.

As long as Prime Minister Netanyahu stays in power he will most definitely not countenance Iran going nuclear. He has shown his ability in the past to deal with Israel’s aggressive neighbours and will continue to do so. The drawback for Israel now is which political party will end up running the country? Right now Benjamin Netanyahu may be replaced. The other two main contenders for the top job are Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett. While Benjamin Netanyahu is at the helm steering the ship it is possible that Naftali Bennet will become the new Prime Minister. Of course God is in control and sets up kings and dethrones them according to His sovereign will, His wisdom, His power and His purposes. (Daniel 2:21)

Israel vs Iran.

Now according to the prophet Daniel in chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel there will be a future conflict between Israel and Iran. The text in the Bible puts this conflict at the end of this age as the whole vision is related to the last or the latter days. (Daniel 10:14) We are also told that there is a principality over Persia, a powerful spiritual entity in the unseen spiritual world that controls Persia, which today is Iran. (Daniel 10:13) This principality was hindering Daniel’s prayers. Also in this chapter we see the Messiah Himself, before He became flesh, interacting with Daniel. (Daniel 10:5-14)

A fight had been going on between the Lord accompanied by Michael the Archangel, with the forces of this evil spiritual entity in the unseen spiritual realm in the atmosphere just above the circumference of the earth. Michael, the Archangel had been supporting the Messiah in this conflict. (Daniel 10:13) Michael is the great prince who protects Israel and will go to their defence in the Time of the Big Trouble lasting for three and a half years at the end of this present age. (Daniel 12:1)

In Daniel chapter 10 we are also told that after the Messiah has fought this principality over Persia (Iran) that the principality over Greece will come. (Daniel 10:20) In the Hebrew text “Greece” or “Grecia” (KJV) can be translated “Yavan” or “Ionia.” Alexander the Great had a western and eastern leg to His Empire. Ionia was located in the Middle-eastern region of the Greek Empire. Today Ionia is Turkey.

While we see a conflict brewing between Israel and Iran the major one will come when Turkey leads the Ezekiel 38 Invasion of Israel. (Ezekiel 38:1-6) Even though we see a conflagration coming in the near future between Israel and Iran it may well start a war that will see other western nations drawn into the conflict. On the other hand Israel may be left to defend itself against Iran while the western nations look on.

America may become involved in this middle-eastern conflict but with the re-establishing of the Iranian Nuclear Deal being brokered by the Biden Administration it just might be that America will not go to Israel’s defence when the Jewish nation fights Iran. Now Iran will not win this war with Israel but they will still survive to return with the Ezekiel 38 invasion force. (Ezekiel 38:5)

While we see nations stirring militarily such as China and North Korea and Russia we need to see that Israel and the Middle-East Islamic nations are at the centre of the global conflict transpiring in the unseen spiritual realm. Satan knows that the return of the Lord Jesus is directly connected to Israel. Satan thinks that if he can destroy Israel then he will be able to stop the return of the Lord Jesus, but of course this will never happen. Satan has already experienced his first defeat at Jerusalem and will also experience his last one there as well.

As far as the western nations are concerned Satan is after the born again, Bible believing, blood washed, spirit filled believers in the Messiah, especially those who support Israel. Satan is seeking to destroy Israel and the Biblical Judeo-Christian heritage within the western democracies. Satan’s ultimate agenda is to have his own man on earth through whom he can receive worship as God. (Daniel 11:36-37) (2 Thessalonians 2:4)

A war it would seem is coming in the Middle-East between Israel and Iran. How far down the track it is we cannot know but the lesson God is trying to teach Israel is that relying upon other nations for support and protection will fail them in the end and they will have to turn only to the God of our forefathers of faith, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but more so the Messiah our Lord Jesus, who, as the Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for the sin of Israel and for the sin of the whole world. (Matthew 1:21) (John 1:29) At the end of this age the only hope for the survival of the planet, for the survival of Israel and for the sake of God’s elect saints, will be the return of the Messiah our Lord Jesus. (Matthew 24:21-22)

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