The Islamization of America

An article appeared in the Online Edition of Israel Unwired yesterday. The Headliner read “How a Radical Muslim Group Infiltrated the US.” The article went on to say; “American Muslims for Palestine is an anti-Semitic organization. But the modern method of anti-Semitism is not to say anything bad about Jewish people – but to viciously attack the State of Israel. They have figured out that somehow it is more politically correct to talk about Israeli soldiers being evil than Jews being evil. It is OK to show pictures of Israeli soldiers who are wounded and to celebrate that, but not OK to show a Jew that is beaten up on the streets of Brooklyn. It is time to call out the haters for what they are. They are not political activists. They are violent haters who support terrorism against the Jewish people.

The American Muslims for Palestine have already penetrated Congress and are all around campuses in the USA. They have properly focused on the most important places to impact – the young and impressionable, and the powerful decision makers. Those who support them, including confused and disillusioned Jews, share a hatred for all that is good in the Middle East. It is hard to understand what could drive a young Jew to stand together with such Israel-haters. But the radical progressive indoctrination on American campuses is certainly having an impact. Canary Mission’s decision to expose the haters is a very important endeavour.

The worst enemy to the haters is exposure of their true aims. They often are so proud of their opinions that they say it loud and clear. But often they are skilled at couching the hatred in liberal terms that seemingly take the edge off and make them acceptable. But don’t be fooled. These people hate the United States too and care about one thing more than anything else – wiping Israel off of the map. These radicals must be outed.” (End of article)

Back on the 14th February Israel Unwired also ran a headline “Biden Not so Friendly Towards Israel After All.” The article went on to say; “With all the talk of President Biden being a friend of Israel, he has hired a multitude of anti-Israel, pro-“Palestinian” civil-servants. One of the people, Reema Dodin is one of two deputy directors the legislative affairs team. She is not only a “Palestinian”-American, but has joined BDS protests and seems to support suicide bombings.

Then there is Maher Bitar, appointed senior director for intelligence programs at the National Security Council, according to a report in the political journalism site Politico. Daniel Greenfield reported at Front Page Online magazine, in 2006, as a student at Georgetown University, Bitar was a leader of the anti-Semitic; Muslim Brotherhood aligned Students for Justice in Palestine. As an SJP leader, he organized a so-called “boycott, divestment, and sanctions” campaign against Israel and its supporters on his campus. Greenfield reported in his article that Bitar was the head of a panel at a BDS conference where participants discussed how to indoctrinate Christians to believe that Israel has no right to exist. Interestingly enough, Bitar’s position is usually given to a CIA official – Bitar has no intelligence experience.        These are just some of the appointees Biden has put in. With a friend like Joe Biden, who needs enemies? (End of article)

The video accompanying this article lists the seven key people who have been appointed to Biden’s Administration team including Reema Dodin and Maher Bitar. The seven mentioned cover seven key areas of government. Homeland Security, International Affairs, Intelligence for national security, National Health, Legislation, Communications and Legal Affairs.

#1. Brenda Abdelall, in charge of Homeland Security. She previously worked at the University of Michigan’s law department with research interests in Islamophobia and law. #2. Hady Amr, in charge of the US State Department. He is an expert in International affairs and he has been given the portfolio of the Israel-Palestine desk. He previously served as the special envoy to Israel where he was involved with the Israel-Palestinian negotiations under the Obama Administration.

#3. Mahar Bitar, the Senior Director of Intelligence programmes for the National Security Council. He is a Palestinian Arab American who will be in charge of intelligence reports President Biden sees. Since his appointment the Israel media have labelled him as ‘an anti-Israeli’ activist due to his work on Palestinian issues. #4. Beechara Choucair, the Vaccines Co-ordinator. He is a Lebanese-American physician who will play a key role in distributing the vaccines to millions of Americans.

#5. Reema Dodin, the deputy White House director of legislative affairs. She is the highest ranking Palestinian-American woman to serve in the US Government. #6. Hajinazarian, appointed as the Regional Communications Director. He will be in charge of Biden’s messaging and communications. Ike previously served as Press Secretary for the homeland security committee.

#7. Dana Shubat, the Senior Legal Affairs Advisor. She will have the ear of the President on pressing issues. She is the daughter of Jordanian immigrants and previously served as Vice-President of the Congressional Middle eastern and North African Staff Association.

About five years ago when Obama was still in the White House in an interview he spoke about his Muslim faith and quickly corrected himself. Obama is no friend of Israel. Way back in February 2015 Obama met with leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood at a somewhat ‘secret’ meeting in the White House and then in May 2015 Obama signed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 into law. This act was akin “to throwing Israel under the bus” as it were!

Now the Muslim Brotherhood have their creed which says; “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Muslim Brotherhood supporters make up the U.S. Islamic community’s most organized force by running hundreds of mosques and business ventures, promoting civic activities, and setting up American Islamic organizations to defend and promote Islam. There is no doubt that we are seeing taking shape is the Islamization of America.

While we see the military and economic power and expansionism of China and Russia we also see the rise of Islam. While we know there are political leaders in the western democracies who are globalists, what they do not count on is that Islam also has a globalist agenda and also rapidly advancing in using western technology. At present there are Islamic political leaders being placed in key positions within the governments of the Western Democracies. They are gaining power to instigate and implement laws that favour and support fundamental Islamic ideology. It is highly likely that Islam will highjack the western global elitists and replace them with those committed to Islamic Sharia Law. Where bettter to their way of thinking than America the heart of the free, democratic world with its Judeo-Christian heritage. Satan knows what he is doing in these end-times behind the scenes with his strategy to ultimately bring the man of sin centre stage in world affairs.

The Final Beast Empire described in the first beast in Revelation Chapter 13, which receives a seemingly mortal wound but is resurrected in the Second Beast Empire, is the one and the same empire. It is the resurrected Second Beast Empire that introduces the fire from heaven, sets up the image to be worshipped and instigates the mark of the beast system of government. These three features of the beast kingdom today would all have to be in the area of technology. In light of the so called ‘Pandemic’ of COVID-19 technology is moving ahead in leaps and bounds especially in relation to controlling the whole population of nations. Islamic countries are also rapidly advancing in this area.

At the end of this present age I would suggest that the agenda of the global elite, that seems primarily based mainly in America, will be superseded by Islamic elitists who will seek to Islamise America. As for England and Europe the Islamic Trojan Horse is already well ensconced within those continents. Possibly in the not so distant future, it may well be that China will go to war with Islam for global domination. However, the end-time First Beast Empire ressurected in the Second Beast Empire described in Revelation Chapter 13, I am convinced by scripture and history, is an Islamic empire which will reach far into the continent of Africa, sweep down into Egypt and sweep up through the entire Middle-east region and infiltrate much of Europe.

As for America, with Biden at the helm and key administration appointees favouring Islam who undoubtedly support the establishment of a Palestinian state, it would seem that “the writing is on the wall.” The freedom to worship God and the democracy and freedom of speech Americans have enjoyed for centuries will become things of the past. If America goes it all goes!

Having said all of this let’s not forget brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus that a kingdom is coming soon that will sweep away all kingdoms opposed to God and to His people both Jews and Christians, labelled by Muslims as “the People of the Book” (the Bible). When the giant bolder, a metaphor for the Kingdom of God or the Messiah’s Kingdom, is established on earth, all of the empires arrayed against the Lord Jesus, will be smashed to pieces by “that huge bolder” and all together at the same time until there is nothing left of them. (Daniel 2:32-45)

In that day Israel as a nation will be fully restored spiritually and nationally, born again bible believers will be raptured and resurrected to co-reign with the Messiah our Lord Jesus on earth, and in that day “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)  This is our blessed hope as blood redeemed and blood washed saints of the Living and Most High God, even if in this present age we see the Islamization of America.

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