“You have ordained our days.”

Dear brothers and sisters in Messiah

I have been greatly encouraged by two texts in the Word of God. One is found in the Old Testament and the other is found in the New Testament. Both of these texts are encouraging for us as members of the wider Body of Messiah in that they convey the message that it is always safe to trust the LORD. As the late Derek Prince once said; “You are as strong as the will of God is strong.” Brothers and sisters in Messiah, His will is the best and safest place for us in this world.

Over the last few weeks I have been greatly encouraged by the following texts… (Romans 11:29) “…for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” (Psalm 139:16b) “…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

This brings security for us in our inner spiritually regenerated spirit and encourages us in that the good work the Triune God has started in you and in me as His blood redeemed children, a perfect and divine plan, that He will bring to completion on the Day of Jesus Messiah’s return (Philippians 1:6). He is both the author and finisher (perfector) of our faith and what He starts He fully intends to finish! (Hebrews 12:2)

As I have often written; “I would rather fall into the hands of a sovereign God, than into the free will of man.” As the late Derek Prince also said; “God does what He wants, when He wants, in the way He wants, and with whomsoever He wants, and He asks no man’s permission” and he added; “Can we make room for the sovereignty of God?”

What God has called and gifted us to do, and to be, will come to pass. As we walk by faith and not by sight, or by our feelings, which are changeable at the best of times, we have the assurance that when we live by faith, that this pleases the LORD and He rewards that faith of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). The fact that our days were ordained from eternity by the LORD and recorded in His book in heaven even before they came to be, means that He has a plan set for our lives which He established in eternity even before we were formed in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:4-5).

We may not know what that plan is, and it takes time and patience and perseverance in trusting the LORD when we cannot see what our future is, or even what our call and gifting might be. However, as we keep trusting in Him moment by moment, and keep short accounts with Him when we do fail, and keeping His Word before our eyes, and confessing its promises before Him, and seeking to do what it says, the blessed Holy Spirit will strengthen us and in His time and in His way reveal to us God’s will, His gifting and His call, why?

Because all the days ordained for us were recorded in His book before one of them came to be, and will come to fruition in His time and in His way according to His good, acceptable, perfect, divine, and infinitely wise and loving will for our lives. As the late David Wilkerson used to say; “God still has everything under control” And He does you know!

Shalom to you all in the Messiah our Lord Jesus

Brother Raoul