Isaiah is often called “the evangelical prophet” because he says more about the coming of the Messiah and the redemptive work of the Messiah our Lord Jesus than any other book in the Old Testament. As a result, there are many important passages of scripture in this book loved by all who believe in Messiah. Isaiah’s name means “The Lord is salvation.” He lived in Jerusalem and the prophecies God gave him were directed toward the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah as well towards other nations. All of His prophecies in the past have come true and are continuing to come true even today with what we see happening in Israel and in the whole Middle-Eastern region.
Isaiah’s ministry lasted approximately half a century, continuing through the reigns of the kings Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. We are told through tradition that he suffered a martyr’s death during the reign of King Manasseh of whom they say had Isaiah put into a hollow log and sawed in half. His work brought him into direct contact with kings and priest and he encountered strong opposition from both groups. At times, this opposition was so strong that he was forced to give up speaking in public and confine his ministry to a group of disciples with whom he met privately…
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