A Militant Military Mindset

“He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god”       (Daniel 11:39a)

On Friday 8/7/2022 a video appeared on YouTube titled “Shock the World! Turkey builds dozens of awesome future Hyper war weapons.” It was astounding how fast the weapon technology has been moving under Erdogan’s defence budget. The video showed a comprehensive range of the latest and very sophisticated weaponry being developed by Turkey. On further investigation on the internet last month an article appeared in the online publication of Business News related to Turkey’s prowess in developing modern weapons. Part of the article stated…

“Turkey’s defence budget is only a little over $20 billion a year, but what they have achieved from this small budget is eye-opening… Consider that Turkey countered the Kurdish insurgency, supported Qatar in its standoff with the KSA and the UAE, engaged in support of the GNA in Libya while engaging in important operations in Syria. In addition to all this, Turkish intervention helped Azerbaijan win the Nagorno-Karabakh War against Armenia. And now, Turkey is providing considerable support to Ukraine in its standoff with Russia.

The actions Turkey has put together are impressive, and the results produced are noticeable. Much of this has been made possible by innovative weapon systems, tactics and strategies developed by the Turkish Armed Forces, and these deserve serious study. An important lesson from recent Turkish military developments is the cost-effective power projection through heavy use of autonomy.

The $20+ billion Turkish defence budget maintains the second largest NATO armed force and makes room for smart investments to foster an indigenous defence industry currently working on over 700 different defence projects. These projects give a glimpse of future warfare and they span across all domains, defensive and offensive capabilities and include hardware and software.

Turkey is now developing drones that can take out submarines and another drone that that has set an endurance record by flying at 38,000 feet for nearly 26 hours, a drone capable of carrying a large payload of 3.000 pounds carrying an air to air missile beyond visual range. Turkey is also developing laser weapons such as the Alka laser. The 50 Kw Laser/EM weapon has a destructive range of 1 km, as far as the ability to disable drone swarms. 4 km away. Turkey also has Aselsan Koral EW System, a land-based electronic assault system with an operating range of 200km and the ability to jam and otherwise degrade a range of radars. Then you have the Sapan Hypersonic EM Gun: The Turkish TUBITAK Research Council is developing Sapan, an electromagnetic rail gun capable of carrying projectiles to hypersonic speeds and so the list goes on (See the links below).

We are told in the prophet Daniel that the Antichrist, who is also called the man of sin, will be a man of war, not peace. He will exult himself as God and above all other spirit entities that are called ‘gods’ in scripture (Daniel 11:36-37). See also (2 Thessalonians 2:4). With the help of his foreign ‘god’, a god of fortresses, he will attack the mightiest of fortresses (Daniel 11: 38-39). While he may at first portray himself as a skilful negotiator for peace he will have a dark hidden agenda to establish his own empire with himself as its supreme ruler. In fact we are told in the Book of Daniel that “By peace he will destroy many” and that he will be “a master of intrigue who understands dark sentences.” In other words he will be under occult power and very crafty (Daniel 8:24-26).  He is also called “the son of perdition” in 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 in some translations, a title only given to one other man being Judas Iscariot into whom Satan entered personally when Judas went out to betray the Lord Jesus.

While Russia and China are both expansionist superpowers they do not have a ‘foreign god’ by which they make war, however, Islam has a ‘god’ by which they make war.  Erdogan of Turkey has an agenda which is clear to many in the media that Erdogan’s ambition is to see a resurrected Turkish Ottoman Empire of global proportions which will have a geographical region more vast than any previous Ottoman ruler had including the empire of the most famous Caliph Suleiman the Magnificent when the Ottomans were at the Zenith of their power spanning the whole of the Middle-east, sweeping down into North Africa and up into much of Europe, an empire so powerful that it threatened western Christendom throughout Europe. Allah of course is in reality the Mesopotamian Arabic Moon-god of war. Hence you see the crossed scimitars pointing upwards on Islamic flags and banners demoting conquest by the sword.

We are also told in Daniel Chapter 11 that the armies of the man of sin, also called the King of the North, will be opposed by the King of the South and his armies and that they will fight each other and this battle will be fought on land and at sea (Daniel 11:40). Already we see Turkey now threatening Greece. Earlier last month according to an online report it stated “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has demanded Greece stop arming Aegean Sea islands that have non-military status and abide by international agreements in remarks that could inflame long-standing disagreements between the two countries. He said; “I warn Greece to avoid dreams, acts and statements that will result in regret. Come to your senses,” in a televised speech made as he observed large-scale Turkish military drills near Izmir, on the country’s western coast.

We also know that Erdogan has his ambition to control the huge natural gas deposits under the Eastern Mediterranean and wants all of Cyprus as only half of the Island belongs to Turkey while the other half still belongs to Greece. Also in Daniel Chapter 11 we are told that the Antichrist, the last King of the North with his armies will invade Israel and much of the Middle-East including Egypt being the last King of the South supported most likely by most of the moderate Arab States located on the Saudi Arabian Peninsula (Daniel 11:41-43).

We are also told that reports from the east and the west will alarm the Antichrist and that being enraged he will up the ante on his military campaign and conquests seeking to destroy and to annihilate many (Daniel 11:44). Located east of Turkey is China and north of Turkey is Russia. These two super powers are now dominating the international scene and both have a militant expansionist agenda. As for America it is in decline as a super power.

One of Erdogan’s most revered Turkish Ottoman Naval Commanders in past Ottoman history was Hayreddin Barbarossa.  He began his naval career as a Barbary pirate, alongside his brothers, raiding Christian coastal villages and seizing ships across the Mediterranean. He was so successful as a corsair that he managed to become the ruler of Algiers, and then the chief admiral of the Ottoman Turkish navy under Suleiman the Magnificent. Barbarossa started life as a simple potter’s son and rose to lasting piratical fame. So Erdogan would have no qualms about engaging in a war at sea, being an ardent admirer of Barbarossa.

God’s Word tells us that this last King of the North will be from Turkey and like Antiochus Epiphanies; a major type of the Antichrist to come mentioned in the Bible, the man from Turkey with his armed forces will come out of Syria to commence his military campaign. Today Turkish forces are ensconced in Syria. Once Damascus becomes a ruinous heap and Assad has gone (Isaiah 17:1) Turkey will have total control of Syria and backed by Iran with their military alliance to attack Israel from over the Golan Heights. As for Russia they are “sabre rattling” towards Israel over Israeli air strikes into Syria but Russia is still engaged in their war with Ukraine. Also Putin does not want a war on both fronts knowing the military prowess and weapons capability of the IDF.

According to God’s Word it will be Turkey and not Russia that leads the Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel. In Ezekiel Chapter 38 five of the invading nations mentioned out of the eight nations mentioned are all situated in modern day Turkey as we see on ancient maps of the Middle-East. We are also told that Iran, Libya and Sudan will be the other three nations and that there will be many other nations in the invasion force as well (Ezekiel 38:1-6 NIV). Most, if not all of these nations, will be Islamic.

The seven letters to the seven New Covenant assemblies in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 are all located in modern day Turkey. We are told that at Pergamum, where the Pergamum Altar to Zeus stood, was described by the Lord Jesus as “the city where Satan has his throne” and as “the city where Satan lives” (Revelation 2:12-13). When John wrote his letter this huge Altar to Zeus, the chief ‘god’ of all the ‘gods,’ was a major centre of occult activity and Zeus the main ‘god’ of the whole of the Greco-Roman world at that time. We know from scripture that the worship of idols is the worship of demons (Deuteronomy 32:16-17) (Psalm 106:36-37) (1 Corinthians 10:20).

Prophetically, it seems the Holy Spirit is telling us that Satan will have his throne in Turkey. Ultimately the ambition of the Antichrist will be to establish his throne in Israel from where he will rule for three and a half years. However, for the sake of God’s elect saints and the nation of Israel and for the survival of the human race itself those days will be swiftly cut short By God through the Rider on the White Horse, our Lord Jesus the Messiah accompanied by the armies of heaven (Matthew 24:21-22) (Daniel 11:45) (Daniel 2:34-35, 44-45) (Daniel 7:23-26) (Revelation 19:11-21) (Jude 1:14-15). As the late David Wilkerson used to say; “God still has everything under control” and this includes the Militant Military Mindset of the Man from Turkey!

Click Here for Part 1