NEWSBITE 23.10.2023

(Joel 3:1-3) “In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations     and divided up my land. They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls for wine that they might drink.”

On Saturday 21st October a headline appeared in a prominent Online News Website. It read; “China Deploys Six Warships to Middle East as Tensions in Region Boil amid Fears Israel Crisis could Become All-Out War.” According to the report the task force from the People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theatre left Muscat the capital City of Oman for an unspecified location on Saturday after taking part in a joint exercise with the Omani navy. It includes the Zibo, a Type 052D guided-missile destroyer, the frigate Jingzhou and the integrated supply ship Qiandaohu, all stationed in the Middle East at a time of heightened tensions.

The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) task force has been involved in escort missions for shipping since arriving in the Gulf of Aden north of Somalia six months ago. However, it handed over its mission to the 45th escort task force earlier this month. The new convoy, from the PLA’s Northern Theatre command, includes a Type 052 destroyer Urumqi, the frigate Linyi and a supply ship Dongpinghu.

Last Thursday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping said a two-state solution to establish an independent Palestine is the “fundamental way out” of the Israel-Hamas war.” It would seem the nations are starting to gather in the Middle-Eastern region and there is no doubt that they are watching what Israel will do. It would seem the two-state solution from hell is on the agenda. We have just seen Antony Blinken and Joe Biden seeking to dance “a military two-step” with the Israeli government and no doubt trying to prevent the Israeli offensive into Gaza to root out and obliterate Hamas once and for all.

We know that China has a growing relationship with Iran from which the Ayatollah’s are supplying weapons to Hamas in the South and to Hezbollah in the North and also to the Houthis in Yemen. They are sending these supplies by air and landing them in Syria to be used against Israel. It is little wonder that Israeli missiles have already hit Damascus and Aleppo airports. Iran is the control centre for all of the anti-Israel militancy coming out of Syria and there are Iranian military personnel on the ground in Syria. As for Assad he is merely the puppet of Iran.

Already there is an American naval fleet also present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. While there is no “warm and fuzzy” feelings between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, they may well come to some agreement in relation to dealing with Israel if the Israeli Defence Force start the offensive in Gaza. There is no doubt that when Israeli forces go into Gaza that Iran may well give ’the nod’ to Hezbollah to open up a war front on Israel’s Northern border. While Xi Jinping has sought to somehow ‘mediate’ between Israel and Hamas when ‘push comes to shove’ there is no doubt China will turn against Israel.

The Russians are already in Syria. Turkish forces are also present in Syria and in Northern Iraq. Erdogan of Turkey has already expressed his support for Hamas and being an ardent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology, he is already an enemy of Israel. However, if the real truth be known to these nations surrounding Israel the Jews are a thorn in their sides. Islam is a divided empire that has as yet not been unified under a supreme caliph. The Muslim world is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 12th Mahdi to lead the biggest Jihad ever on a global scale. Islam fights within itself but when they have a common enemy they will stand together. Of course once they have defeated their enemy they go back to fighting among themselves (Genesis 27:40).

The whole region of the Middle East at present is under the control of principalities and spiritual powers of wickedness in rebellion against God in the unseen spiritual realm. We see this in the Book of Daniel in the vision he received from the Lord related to these last of the last days in which we are now living (Daniel 10:12-14). In the final battle to come when the nations go against Israel Michael the Archangel of war the commander of the hosts of heaven will arise to protect Israel in the time of Great Tribulation. Because his time is now short Satan will be going all out to destroy Israel as nation and the Body of messiah spiritually grafted into Israel namely “the offspring of the woman who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus” (Daniel 12:1-4) (Revelation 12:17) (Revelation 13:5-7).

As we see the nations forming in the Middle-East and the riots in many countries supporting Hamas and the Jew hatred, being somewhat fuelled and surreptitiously propagated by most of the main stream media outlets, is having its effect on turning many away from supporting Israel and there is also a growing anti-Israel bias already fermenting within the religious system of wider global Christendom.

According to the prophet Joel it is after Israel has been restored by God as a nation once again in their own land and have prospered that God Himself will gather the nations and bring them down into the valley where the Lord judges and there enter into that  judgement with them for the way the nations have divided up His land and treated his people as they would a prostitute, once used to satiate their own purposes and then disregarded.

The armies of the nations will all go into the winepress of God’s furious wrath and their blood flow outside of the city of Jerusalem for around 180 miles and as high as the horses bridle! (Joel 3:12-13) (Revelation 14:17-20). The nations that will go down into the pit are all named and they are all Islamic nations and geographical regions today (Ezekiel 32:17-32).

The armies of China, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union will also be there, and if Biden has his way the armies of the United States will also be there. “All nations” we are told will lay siege to Jerusalem and be terminated by the Rider on the White Horse accompanied by the armies of heaven and the redeemed Israel of God, being His glorified blood redeemed people! (Zechariah 14:1-5) (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) (Revelation 19:11-21). At this time the faithful Body of Messiah will also “be hated by all nations”, but because it has persevered to the end by the enabling power of the blessed Holy Spirit, it will be raptured and resurrected when the Messiah our Lord Jesus comes back! (Matthew 24:9-14, 29-31) (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

It seems that the nations are being gathered by God and “His hook is already in their jaws” bringing them in wholesale lots down into the valley of judgement. This final assault on Israel and the faithful Body of Messiah spiritually grafted into Israel by the nations of the world will be suddenly terminated and cut short metaphorically speaking as one that swiftly cuts off a tail from a dog suddenly and without warning. As the Messiah our Lord Jesus said; “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. “Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short” (Matthew 24:21-22).