New Website Article “The Archilles Heel” (A Word for America) 4.6.2024

“The Achilles Heel”

(A Word for America) 3.6.2024

“One who loves transgression loves strife; One who makes his doorway high seeks destruction” (Proverbs 17:19).

In Greek Mythology there was a warrior called Achilles whom was described as the bravest and handsomest and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. It was also said of him that when he was still a child he was dipped in the River Styx by which he became invulnerable except for the part of his heel by which he was held by the woman who was dipping him in the river. After many conquests and victories he seemed invincible and unstoppable and his prowess in battle was widely known among the Greeks and the Trojans. However, he was slain in battle by Paris whose arrow hit Achilles in the heel that had not been dipped in the river and consequently brought him down to his doom.

He who loves Transgression

In the Book of Proverbs we read; “One who loves transgression loves strife; One who makes his doorway high seeks destruction” (Proverbs 17:19). Here the word “transgression” has the idea of “rebellion against individuals, against a nation and against God.”  One who loves transgression loves strife in that transgression always brings about strife for the one who continues in his transgression, and for those who are recipients of that strife. This proverb can apply to a man who promotes himself to become a king or a leader or a ruler or President of a nation. He aims high to exult himself and his ungodly policies, but in reality he seeks destruction whether he realises it or not. Not only will such a man bring destruction on himself but upon those over whom he rules and who have elected him to office….

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