The Bible is its entirety from Genesis to Revelation is the very Spirit-breathed Word of the Living God and written by the prophets and apostles who were moved to write the scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16) (2 Peter 1:21). Now the whole Bible itself is a Jewish book. It was written by Jews and needs to be viewed and interpreted through the lens of a Jewish perspective rather than through the lens of a western Gentile perspective. The prophets were all Jewish, the Messiah our Lord Jesus was Jewish and so were the apostles all Jewish. From the Book of Genesis we see the LORD foretelling an age to come after this age has come to a close, where Israel as a nation will co-reign with the Messiah our Lord Jesus in His Messianic Millennial Kingdom on earth after He has returned to this earth (Isaiah 9:7) (Psalm 2)…
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