New Website Article

The average person in the street today who does not know the LORD has no real concept of the judgement coming to the nations that reject the salvation that is only found in the Messiah our Lord Jesus (Acts 4:12). Hollywood may produce disaster movies, however, no matter how graphic; they fail to depict the scope and severity of divine judgement that is coming upon a Messiah hating, Messiah rejecting world. While the LORD has unnumbered multitudes of New Covenant believers in Messiah around the globe, for the most part the nations are in rebellion against the LORD. Even the western democracies that once had a Biblical Judeo-Christian heritage are now neo-pagan. In this chapter the LORD speaks through the prophet Isaiah regarding the coming judgement upon the nations as a whole but also zooms in on the judgement that is coming upon the Islamic world because of their militancy against His people Israel and against the Body of Messiah spiritually grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel…

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