“Do you truly love Me more than these?” (John 21:15)
The apostle Peter was one of the strongest and most verbal leaders among the apostles. He was never backward in speaking out. He was the one who had insisted to the Lord Jesus that if all others forsook Him that he would not be one of them. The Lord Jesus knew Peter very well and after Peter had made this statement the Lord Jesus told him plainly that he would deny Him three times.
The denial occurred 3 times and now even after the risen Lord had appeared to His disciples twice before, Peter felt that the bottom of his world had fallen out. He had no pride or bravado left. He was stripped of all self-confidence. He was so disappointed with himself that he gave up all hope of being a follower of the Lord Jesus. All of the things he had experienced in the last three and a half years, all of his hopes and dreams all seemed to have vanished…
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