All of the apostles were dead and the only one remaining was over 90 years of age or more. He was a prisoner on the island of Patmos, a Roman penal colony because of his loyalty to the Word of God and because of the testimony he maintained concerning the Lord Jesus. The faithful Body of the Messiah (the faithful Church) throughout the pagan Roman Empire were being persecuted, imprisoned and martyred. The New Covenant believers throughout the Roman Empire needed an encouraging word from the Lord Jesus. John himself freely confessed that he was their brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance in Jesus (Revelation 1:9).
The Lord Jesus gave a new revelation to John His beloved disciple to encourage all of the New Covenant believers corporately. The revelation of the Lord Jesus to John begins with a vision of the Risen and glorified Messiah our Lord Jesus and ends with the establishment of His Kingdom on earth that ultimately ushers in the final and eternal state.
In Revelation chapter 19:11-21 we see the Messiah our Lord Jesus, not being revealed as a servant but as the king of all kings riding the white horse of a conqueror and destroying all of his enemies. We know that the Lord Jesus will come again in the same way He ascended to heaven in the clouds (Mark 14:62) (Matthew 24:30) (Acts 1:11). This time when He descends every eye on the planet will see Him (Revelation 1:7) All those who are not saved will seek to hide themselves from His presence, His power and from His righteous wrath (Revelation 6:12-17).
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