(Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain and America)

 (Proverbs 14:34) “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”


Abraham Lincoln said that “democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” In a democratic society it is the people who give the power to their leaders to rule and these leaders are elected by the people. Within any democratic society people have the right to express their views, to have freedom to worship and to express their religious convictions, beliefs and political views without fear of being censured of supressed, to be able to pursue free enterprise in business and to own ones house and property.

A democracy has lawfully elected leaders by the people and law enforcement to keep social order, to preserve human rights and where the privileges and protection of the individual is also considered and affirmed and that by the lawfully elected government established through the election process by the people over whom they preside. When despotism and totalitarianism by a nation’s leader is mandated on the people then it is no longer a democracy but a tyrannical rule that seeks to control and manipulate and coerce those over whom they have been elected to govern.

Having said this our system of law and governance in the free world was founded on the Ten Commandments which is the most perfect system of governance God gave to humanity, commandments that are fair and just and righteous in every way. As it is written in God’s Word; “The law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous, and good” (Romans 7:12).These laws were written personally by the finger of God on tablets of stone given to Moses and need to be written in our hearts by the Holy Spirit if righteousness is to prevail in society as God intended (Exodus 31:18) (2 Corinthians 3:3). God in His love for His creation in His divine and perfect wisdom and providence did not give man the Ten Commandments to stifle enjoyment of life but to regulate fallen human nature with its sinful passions, desires and tendencies.

In America, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and in Australia we see immerging in these countries a non-democratic political power base ‘hell-bent’ on destroying people’s rights, privileges and freedom of choice and to bring them under a centralised form of governmental control that does not so much care for the people but more so for political power and control. Added to this we see legislation and laws being passed in these countries that are diametrically opposed to the laws and commandments of God, commandments that have given us the freedoms we have enjoyed in these nations unlike many other nations in the world that have not had the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which to build their societies.

Today, more than at any other time in history, everything that is good and just and righteous in God’s sight and in accordance with His word is being stripped away by wicked and unprincipled politicians in the back pockets of wealthy elitists who want to have global control over the masses. With the outbreak of Covid-19 we see political leaders within the western democracies by and large taking advantage of the situation. Their end-game is to control and manipulate and to subjugate people to the dictates of a centralised form of government where personal rights, freedoms and privileges as human beings are being eroded away by these despots using the current Covid-19 situation to dominate and control people to the point where they can be manoeuvred around like chess pieces on a chessboard. Especially we see this happening in America, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and in Australia, all countries with a Judeo-Christian heritage.

This form of totalitarianism is spreading like gangrene through most western democracies by global elitists deeply ensconced within the areas of politics, business, medicine and finance and even within Structured Denominational Christendom to destroy the very freedoms that multitudes gave their lives for in two world wars. We will now look at the methods being implemented by these ‘elitists’ to establish a form of socialism or fascism that gives them the centralised power of control that has surfaced in America, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and here in Australia.

It is clear that these countries mentioned including Australia are the major ‘test cases’ for this new thrust to create a global society under a centralised system of governance. One other country to mention us Israel which is also a primary test case for the global elitists whose ultimate goal is to establish a global society over which they have absolute control. How are they accomplishing this? So then what are the methods these elitists are using to achieve their totalitarian global agenda? Let’s now briefly look at the main methods they are employing in America, Great Britain, Canada, and New Zealand and in Australia to achieve their malevolent and wicked scheme for global domination through the governments of these five nations…

#1.  Create, or take advantage of a life-threatening situation or emergency

Create or take advantage of a life-threatening situation or emergency, real or humanly manipulated such as we have seen with the Wuhan Virus, which evokes people’s fears and apprehensiveness and foster it by any means possible. This is what we are seeing in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada and in America and Covid-19 has provided the means to promote governmental totalitarianism in these countries, all with a Judeo-Christian heritage when they were at one time all colonies of Great Britain at a time when it was a bastion of Biblical Christianity. Mandated vaccinations and vaccine passports are being used to control people, vaccinations that have for the most part nothing to do with public health but everything to do with manipulation, control, money and power, all marks of a socialist mindset and a totalitarian regime in progress.

#2.  Get control of the mainstream media

Get control of the mainstream media and use it to propagate alarmism and fear-mongering which plays on people’s fears and insecurities and that gets them to look at their leaders for a solution even if it is not something they would willingly choose if they knew all of the facts. While we do not ignore the seriousness of Covid-19 the mainstream media is the means through which these ‘elitists’ are playing on people’s fears and insecurities. Through the mainstream media those in government with a totalitarian mindset offer a resolution which points to the state as having the solution. The strategy is to present that ‘positive’ solution while hiding negative information and tell lies if necessary to get people onside. Play on their emotions and feed their fears. Keep focusing on the problem through regular media reports and make it far worse that it really is so that people will reach out for the solution which the state will provide. Of course there is always ’conditions’ attached which go under the radar of logic when people’s fears and emotions are being stimulated stirred up and evoked.

#3.  Seek to divide people into two groups

Seek to divide people into two groups and separate those who go along with the state’s mandates from those who do not go along with them and encourage people to ‘Dobb’ others in who do not ‘obey the rules.’ We see this happening with separating the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. This in itself divides society and facilitates people and even families being divided. This is also another ‘mark’ of a socialist totalitarian mindset to divide personal loyalties to one’s own family members if required. The end-game is to get everyone fixed and relying upon a common philosophy that, while seemingly giving them their freedoms, in reality is a form of centralised control. Added to this, mandate rules and regulations promoting them as necessary to infuse into the people a sense of security and that the state is doing all the right things and has the answers. Keep up the fear-mongering and apprehension through the controlled media so that people cannot see what the real agenda is or what are the real issues on both sides of the argument. Indoctrinate the people to believe the false premise that obeying ‘the rules’ according to government mandates will bring them rewards while disobeying ‘the rules’ will bring them restrictions and penalties. Nazism, Communism, Socialism and Communism all use the same tactics and the media is the main vehicle they use to convey their deceptive agenda.

#4.  Promote immoral and hedonistic and ungodly lifestyles

Promote and push immoral and hedonistic and ungodly lifestyles and bring in legislation that violates morality, ethics and more so the laws and commandments of God that go against such practices as same-sex marriage, Gender confusion, euthanasia, abortion and vilification laws defined as “hate Speech” aimed at Bible believers who would seek to propagate God’s laws and Commandments. The aim of these ‘elitists’ in government is to remove God out of society by any and every means possible. The mindset behind this wickedness is to encourage no restraint morally or ethically so that those within the government promoting these abominations before God can subtly bring in their own rules and mandates geared around their own ideology of totalitarianism and despotism. They will give people what they crave knowing that people will sacrifice freedom on the altar of expediency, giving up their freedoms for their security, their pleasures, their passions and their ungodly lifestyles and with their endless pursuit of materialism.

# 5.  Use the police and the army to supress protests and objections

Use the police and the army to supress protests, protesters and objectors. Arrest dissenters and make them out to be agitators using the media to perpetuate the propaganda of the state. This is a ploy of a socialist fascist ideology and mindset. Use the police and the army if necessary to enforce ‘the rules’ even if they are of a draconian and unreasonable in nature. Instead of people respecting and looking to the police for their security and safety and for maintaining law and order in society, the people fear the police and see them as those who unjustly metre out the law and that with severity being the ‘pawns’ of the government bureaucracy.

#6.  Incarcerate ‘dissenters’ into detention facilities

Incarcerate dissenters into detention facilities where they will be removed from society being labelled by the state as a ‘threat’ to social order or for public health reasons. Already we see this in countries such as North Korea, China and in Russia. Quarantine facilities are being built in Australia and these may well become similar to gulags under a socialist totalitarian regime using the Covid-19 situation by magnifying the seriousness of it as an excuse to remove those who will not get vaccinated so that centralised control of the masses can be maintained. These detention centres already exist in America and in Canada. This is the developing mindset of government control we are seeing in America, Australia, and New Zealand in Great Britain and in Canada.

#7.  Control the medical and social security system

Control the medical and social security system. Mandate a form of ID which can be tracked by technology. Encourage loyalty to the state by a system of rewards. In Australia the Government has introduced QR Codes that track people’s movements using the excuse of health and safety measures but in reality a forerunner and foreshadow of a much more ‘sinister’ form of population control leading to every aspect of one’s personal life subject to state control and scrutiny. This is also being enforced by mandating Vaccine Passports. Australia is one of the test cases for using this surveillance technology being introduced into the western democracies by the global elitists hidden under the umbrella of public health and safety. China already has the facial recognition technology which is highly advanced in tracking people’s every movement and controlling and monitoring their daily lives. This kind of technology is coming to America, Great Britain, Canada, and New Zealand and to Australia. In the not so distance future vaccinations may well be the means through which people’s ID number and personal banking details and even human personality control will be encrypted through nanoscience and nanotechnology under the guise of public health and safety.

#8.  Create massive debt that will bring about dependence on government

Create massive debt by encouraging people to borrow money from the state through the banks and financial institutions for securing what they need for the deposit on their homes and offer to help them establish their mortgages, meaning that the state owns the house and calls the shots in relation to what the owners can do or not do. The borrower becomes indebted to the lender. As we read in proverbs “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). As it has been said “You will be happy but own nothing.”

#9.  Create a class system

Create a class system to render a division between the haves and the have nots by any means possible. Covet the wealth of the rich who go along with the system but destroy the wealth of those who will not go along with the State mandate. Appeal to the rank and file of the middle to lower classes to resent the upper class and to encourage them to see that loyalty to the State as the ultimate solution to their daily lives being regulated for their supposed benefit when in reality it is to have control over them. With the rapid development of technology which has taken a massive leap during the current Covid-19 crisis, multitudes of workers not familiar with technology will find themselves out of work and subject to being influenced by the State to disassociate themselves from the ‘upper class’ and to resent them.

Communism, Socialism or Fascism always seeks to get control over the working class because they usually have more financial problems and will readily give their allegiance to a centralised form of government that can bail them out and solve their social and economic woes. One way to accomplish this is to heavily tax the rich and their business profits. When you look at what is happening in Australia, New Zealand, in America and in Great Britain and in Canada, one can clearly see this form of socialist totalitarian despotism immerging in the governments of these countries and Australia is no exception but a test case for the global elitists to establish their own form of Draconian law and governance. Another way this is happening is using mandated vaccinations to create a division between those who are vaccinated and those who are not. We see this happening specifically in America, Great Britain, in Canada, in New Zealand and in Australia and even in European nations as well. Vaccinations are in fact becoming a global mandate being propagated by the global elitists who want to control the world’s socio-economic and political systems.


Having looked at these more prominent marks of a socialist totalitarian despotic form of governmental control we see the death of democracy yet can we even say that democracy is the answer to the well-being of any society? Let’s now look at this…

Someone once said that “a nation can only be rightly governed by men who are governed by God.” As it is written in God’s Word that, “Righteousness exults a nation but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).  God Himself in His perfect and faultless wisdom sets up kings to rule wisely and to promote His laws and commandments and to seek His wisdom to govern but if they choose to reject Him and His wisdom then He removes them (Daniel 2:21) (Psalm 75:7) (Jeremiah 27:5).

The only real solution to the best form of Government is to have leaders who respect and honour the Word of God and seek His wisdom to govern. When you look at the past history of political leadership in America, Great Britain and in Australia you have had men in government, who, while not saved as Biblically defined, recognised the benefits to society and even respected in some cases the laws and commandments of God that have given people the freedoms they have enjoyed.

When you have a democracy people’s rights and freedoms are promoted and protected but they may not be according to the laws and commandments of God. While Democracy was formulated from within Greek history it cannot replace Biblical Theocracy where leaders do not impose harsh religious rules and regulations as such, but recognise and see that living according to Biblical standards and principles will indeed bring freedom and genuine prosperity as God intended and produce a society where people can live and work and plan their daily lives, being guided by God and His laws.

A word for Australia…

In the year 1606 Capt. Pedro Fernandez de Quiros gave the continent of Australia the name “Australia del Espiritu Santo” or literally “Southland of the Holy Spirit”. Even though Australia was established primarily as a Penal Colony by the British there were men in government who believed in the Bible and recognised that true freedom and democracy were only possible when a nation was governed by God’s law. Virtually since its birth as a nation Australia has always been a nation where God’s people have been able to preach the gospel of the kingdom and worship freely without fear of persecution or repression from the government.

Even in the early days of the British Colony of Australia Biblical Christianity was established in society. Even though the Church of England was the main Christian denomination established in the Colony of Australia the Methodists and the Salvation Army did a great work among the people of Australia in those early days. Today repression of Biblical Christianity is on the rise in Australia, not only to control society as a whole but more so to stop Biblical truth from influencing society and to muzzle those who proclaim it. We see this also in America, Great Britain, and Canada and in New Zealand.

Today things have radically changed in Australia related to Biblical Christianity even from what they were 50 or so years ago. By and large we see wicked and unprincipled men and women in the so called hallowed halls of political power mandating laws and Parliamentary legislation that are diametrically opposed to Biblical standards and principles. When these Biblical standards are laid aside you will always see a form of despotism immerge where people become subject to those leaders who give then what they want regardless of God’s laws and commandments which were given to man for his spiritual and secular well-being. Most Aussies today are living their lives just as the people were living their lives in the time of Noah before the flood came and swept them all away, the flood being the means for God’s judgement on a wicked world that rejected His laws and commandments. (Matthew 25:37-39).

Another global judgement is coming upon this world that rejects and hates the Messiah our Lord Jesus as the judgement came upon the people in the time of Noah This time the judgement will be by fire! (2 Peter 3:6-7) Those who persist in defaming God’s name and casting his laws and statutes behind their backs and trampling them into the ground one day will have to stand before Him to whom they will have to give an account for what they have said and done and their end will be beyond anything they can even imagine of think.

As we read in the Book of Hebrews; “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). And again it is written; “Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment…” (Hebrews 9:27) And yet again we read;  “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”(Revelation 21:8).  It may seem at present that wicked and unprincipled men and women in the so called hallowed halls of political power have the upper hand but their day of reckoning is fast approaching! (Revelation 6:15-17)

 If the Churches in this great nation of Australia called ‘The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit” turn back to God and seek His face and reconfirm their allegiance to the Bible only, and to the Lord Jesus as saviour and Lord, then God can send a revival even as we see Australia plunging headlong into the Abys of a socialist draconian, totalitarian despotic society where God is locked out! If Australia turns back to God as a nation and God sends a spiritual revival, even among those who govern, some of them in government will recognise that being governed by God is far better for the nation than being governed by men who have no time for God and His commandments and statutes.

It has been said that people get the leaders they deserve. If the people of Australia by and large do not really care about who controls the country so long as they can continue their ungodly lifestyles once the lockdowns are gone, then God may well send a nation such as China to Australian shores to show what it really means to be under a totalitarian form of despotic government that does not acknowledge God or His laws for life.

As New Covenant believers in the Messiah our Lord Jesus let us get right with God so that He might even spare this nation from “the boiling pot tilting away from the North” ready to spill out is scalding contents upon Australia that has forgotten God. The Word of God says that “Judgement begins in the House of God” (1 Peter 4:17). It is time for God’s people in Australia to plough up the hard packed soil of their hearts to receive the seed of God’s Word so that when the rain of righteousness from God given by the blessed Holy Spirit, is poured out for one last time it will produce in their lives and in the lives of unsaved Australians and in the life of this nation called the great Southland of the Holy Spirit, that spiritual fruitfulness that will save Australia from the calamity that may well hit our shores and hit us hard if we do not repent of our wickedness as a nation before  a righteous and just God! As the prophet Hosea declares; “Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unploughed ground;  for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you” (Hosea 10;120.)

Democracy is Greek concept and not a Biblical one and democracy is not the final answer, because it does not necessarily take into account God’s laws and commandments. A genuine and true Biblical Theocracy, where men govern a nation that are themselves governed by God, is the only viable answer to true and lasting freedom and prosperity for Australia and for any nation for that matter! God’s solution is clear when He declares “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).