When President Donald Trump announced publically his proposal to move the Arab population from Gaza it sent “alarm bells” off across the whole Arab world and “rocked the boats” of the European political establishment.
President Trump’s plan is to relocate the Gazan civilian population into Egypt and Jordan and into other geographical areas where they can settle down to live their lives free from the tyranny of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority and prosper as a people group.
He wants to see all of Gaza rebuilt and properly governed.
It is clear that it would be good for the Arabs in Gaza who have been stuck there to be given a fresh start somewhere else.
As for the Muslim world and those in the political arena who are all for a ‘Palestinian’ state, they are still holding on to the idea that it must be preserved as a bastion of anti-Zionist authoritarian control and one of the launching pads to harass and to oppress Israel and to kill Jews.
In their minds, Gaza’s only purpose is to serve, along with Judea and Samaria, and some of Jerusalem, as parts of an independent ‘Palestinian’ state that they still believe must be set up next to Israel.
And it would make it a lot more likely that the rebuilding of Gaza would not mean the reconstruction of Hamas terror fortifications and tunnels, as opposed to making it more liveable or even developing its beachfront property.
While multitudes of citizens in Gaza actually celebrated the October 7/2023 massacre and others actually joining Hamas in the butchery, there were also many Arab citizens in Gaza who didn’t celebrate, and who still need to find a way out from the “hell-hole” that is now Gaza.
At present the Gaza landscape is a desolate place. Most of the buildings and homes and general infrastructure have been destroyed. Families are living under concrete structures that remain from buildings that have been demolished from airstrikes against Hamas strongholds.
Then you have unexploded booby traps and devices that have not been detonated. To top it all off you still have Hamas terrorists pressurising and threatening the civilians who want to leave to stay in Gaza, not to mention the underground tunnels across Gaza.
A Jewish journalist from a reputable Online Jewish website stated in his article…
“The genius of Trump’s Gaza rebuilding proposal is not so much the simple logic of offering people the chance given to other refugee populations or anyone else in an area destroyed by war a new life elsewhere.
And the key point is not wailing about its infeasibility or alleged violation of international law.
Nor the fact that it is not in the interests of the United States or Israel to force the shaky regimes in Egypt and Jordan to take in Palestinians who are likely to want to overthrow those governments, and replace them with Hamas or allies like the Muslim Brotherhood.
The centre piece of this project is its clear assumption that there will never be an independent Palestinian state in Gaza or elsewhere.
The P.A. (Palestinian Authority) may rule the internal affairs of Arabs in Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”).
However, the corrupt greedy and dishonest and militant P.A. mindset that continues to subsidize terrorism through its “pay for slay” policy rewarding violent Palestinian terrorists, including those responsible for Oct. 7,2024 has never shown any realistic interest in transitioning to a sovereign entity devoted to creating a peaceful and productive state alongside Israel.
Gaza has been a dagger pointed at Israel ever since the Israeli government withdrew every soldier, settler and settlement from the Strip in the summer of 2005; two years later, P.A. rule (also run by its political party, Fatah) was toppled by Hamas in a bloody coup against its rivals.”
There are two main reasons as to why Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Jordan do not want to see the 1.8 million Arab population removed from Gaza.
If they allow the Arabs from Gaza into their own kingdoms then they will be bringing in the radical Islamic Jihad minded ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood (Qatar an enemy of Israel has embraced it already).
These Arab kingdoms also know that to keep the Arab population in Gaza will continue to be a thorn in the side of Israel.
The Islamic world does not want to see Israel survive! This is the crux of the whole Middle-Eastern mindset in the Arab Muslim world. Prime Minister Netanyahu knows this and hopefully so does President Trump.
They both know that a separate ‘Palestinian’ state or the idea of that ‘two-state’ solution from hell will in the long term not guarantee the safety of Israel which at present has been fighting Islamic aggression on seven fronts.
Ultimately Israel must eliminate Hamas!
To sum up the truth about Israel Biblically from God’s perspective is clear regardless of the opinions of man. There are seven irrevocable facts that cannot be denied…
1. God gave the Land of Israel to Abraham and His decedents the Jews to possess through an irrevocable covenant of blood He cut with Abraham and fixed its boundaries from the Wadi of Egypt to the River Euphrates including Gaza, Judea and Samaria (the West bank), the Golan Heights, Lebanon and a good part of Syria up to the Euphrates River (Genesis 15:12-19).
2. God gave the land of Israel to the Jews to be for them “an everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:7-9). God is into real-estate where Israel is concerned!
3. God gave the land of Israel to Abraham’s decedents through the line of Isaac and Jacob, not through the line of Ishmael and Esau, the fathers of the Arab nations (Genesis 17:19-22).
4. God gave the Jews their name Israel through the Patriarch Jacob after he had wrestled through the night with the eternal Messiah God the Son before His incarnation (Genesis 32:24-30).
The name ‘Palestine’ was an invention by the Romans! (A Historical fact!)
God Himself, the prophets, the apostles, and the Lord Jesus as recorded in the Bible call the Holy Land Israel. To argue this point is to argue with the eternal triune God Himself!
5. God Himself established Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel over 3,000 years ago when He gave the city into the hands of King David (2 Samuel 5:6-10).
6. God the Father through God the Son provided eternal salvation for the whole world through a Jew through the genealogy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Jewish people. “Salvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22).
7. God has ordained that the resurrected Messiah our Lord Jesus will sit on David’s throne at Jerusalem as the King of the Jews and from there He will rule the nations that have survived His Second Coming (Isaiah 9:6-7) (Luke 1:32-33) (Psalm 2).
The whole world and especially Christendom owes a great debt to the Jewish people. As Rabbi the Apostle Paul writes…
“…the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah (the Lord Jesus), who is God over all, forever praised! Amen” (Romans 9:4-5).
Most of all it was a Jew who suffered and died for the sins of the whole world and physically rose again from the dead, and it is the same Jew who will return to Israel to judge the living and the dead at His Second Coming, a day pre-ordained by God from all of eternity (John 3:16-18, 36) (John 14:6) (Acts 17:31).
The Messiah our Lord Jesus is a Jew. His name is Jewish (Yeshua) and He is the only way of salvation from sin, from hell and from the judgement to come (John 14:6) (Acts 4:12) (Romans 5:9).
“Salvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22).