A New Bible Commentary : 1Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians


Wherever Rabbi the Apostle Paul and his companions in ministry preached the gospel of the kingdom Satan always opposed their work for the Lord Jesus. The first century Body of Messiah, by and large, was persecuted throughout the Roman Empire, not only by the pagan secular authorities but also by the religious Jews who rejected the Messiah our Lord Jesus. Many of them were actually in league with the Roman authorities in their provinces even though they hated the Romans because of Roman occupation.

Added to this, these religious leaders who were not born again by the Spirit hated the reality they faced when Jesus followers were proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead, proclaiming His sacrifice for sin as the Passover Lamb who had died and was buried in a sealed tomb for three days and nights, and who had risen physically from the dead. The power of the Holy Spirit attesting to their testimony really stirred up the Jewish religious leaders wherever the gospel of the kingdom was proclaimed. Thessalonica was no exception…

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