“All Israel Will Be Saved!”

(Psalm 83:3-4) “With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish.  “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”

Today the eyes of the whole world are focused on the Middle-East.  We see very clearly Bible prophecy being fulfilled.  The biggest threat at present to the security of the Middle-East is if Iran goes nuclear.

Israel knows this and it may just be a matter of time until Israeli airstrikes take out Iran’s nuclear facilities. With the incoming Trump Administration Israel, like the other nations, are waiting to see what he will do when he comes into office.

However, with the toppling of the Assad regime in Syria Iran’s ambitions to control Syria and have access to reinforce the arsenals of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and the jihadist terrorists in Judea and Samaria and in Iraq, have been effectively hindered.

Syria was Shiite under the Assad regime but now the regime has collapsed and Iran’s ambitions to have Syria as a means to attack Israel have been greatly deterred by the Sunni forces now controlling Syria, except for the Kurdish region. The rebels are supported by Turkey which is also Sunni.

The reality is that Turkey is behind much of the Sunni violence in Syria that eventuated in the toppling of the Assad regime. While a weakened Syria has brought about a weakened Iran, it has also brought about an ISIS like state in Syria under the growing Sunni nation of Turkey.

Erdogan, the man from Turkey, is not hiding his ultimate goal in establishing a resurrected Turkish Ottoman Caliphate grander than his Ottoman Forbears did when the Ottoman Empire was at the zenith of its power for over 600 years and the empire that destroyed the last vestige of the Roman Empire.

The man from Turkey wants to see an Ottoman Empire that will rule throughout the Middle-East and expand globally. This is also the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ideology which Erdogan has fully embraced.

His ultimate goal is to rule over Israel and to have Jerusalem as the capital of his resurrected caliphate, and no guesses for who he has in mind for the top job! This is why Turkey under his dictatorship has been involved in subversive activities in Israel for decades.

As for Egypt it is at present under Sisi and he does not want the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood anywhere in Egypt. At present Egypt has the most powerful army in the Middle-East.

While Egypt has some association with Israel the Egyptian government does not like Israel and the reality remains that the Muslims in the Middle-East want Jerusalem for Islam. Possibly Egypt (the last king of the south?) will have a war with Turkey (the last king of the north?).

Recently the Biden Administration authorised military sales of tanks and weapons to Egypt to the tune of 5 billion dollars. What happens if an ISIS like military force topples the Sisi government in Egypt? This would be a great threat to Israel already fighting a war on seven fronts?

Currently in the Middle-East all of the Muslim factions in the region pose a threat to Israel. Even if the Iranian regime is toppled there are plenty of other ‘regimes’ willing to step into the gap, all with a distinct distain and hatred of Israel.

In Psalm 83 we have prophetic insight into this present time in which we are living where we see fermenting Israel’s immediate Islamic neighbours plotting together to wipe Israel off of the map. Their goal is to destroy Israel as a nation and to eradicate the name Israel (Vs.4).

It is not only an affront to God’s covenant people, but an affront to the God of Israel which is going to bring dire consequences unimaginable down upon these Islamic Jihadist military forces and their leaders (Vss.1-3, 5-18).

The western politicians either do not know, or choose not to know, with “their heads in the sand”, that you cannot make peace with Islam.  As we read in the prophet Jeremiah; “We tried to heal Babylon, but she could not be healed” (Jeremiah 51:9a). Islam is the modern day version of the ancient Babylonians.

Israel as a nation is to pass through its darkest hour being the Time of Jacobs Trouble which will see Israel’s enemies from all sides launching a combined and coordinated offensive against Israel, something that will overwhelm the Jewish people from politicians and military commanders down to the people in the cities and towns.

When it looks like Israel will be wiped off of the map, the Messiah our Lord Jesus will return to judge the nations, to rescue Israel, to gather His elect people and save the world from annihilating itself (Matthew 24:21-22). After this happens He will inaugurate His Messianic Millennial reign on earth (Jeremiah 30: 1-10)

It seems that what we see fermenting in Syria will mirror Psalm 83 and be the prelude leading up to the Ezekiel Chapter 38 invasion.  In the Psalm 83 war described Israel prevails, however when the Ezekiel 38 invasion comes, Israel’s only hope of survival will be an encounter with the Messiah which will happen.

During this Time of Jacob’s Trouble many in Israel will perish but a remnant will be preserved. These will find salvation when God pours out upon them the Spirit of grace and supplication, as they look upon and encounter their Passover Lamb sacrificed for their sins, the one whom was pierced for their sins, and for the sins of the whole world.

On that day they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a firstborn son. On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be great! On that day “All Israel will be saved!” (Zechariah 12: 10-13:1, 8-9) (Romans 11:25-29).