New Website Article : “The Redeemed of the LORD” (Isaiah Chapter 35)

In Isaiah Chapter 34 we have the LORD speaking through His servant Isaiah the prophet and His message was one of His divine judgements against the nations but also the judgement against Islam. In fact the main focus of Isaiah Chapter 34 is the demise of Islam and the desolation of Saudi Arabia and the city of Mecca, the harlot of Islam as defined by the radical Jihad-minded Islamic world. God takes Islam out big time because of what they have done to His people Israel and to the Body of Messiah spiritually grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel. In fact the fiery judgement upon Saudi Arabia will leave the whole desert region a desolate wasteland as the oil reserves under the sand burn out of control making the whole region uninhabitable for humans.

There is no chapter and verse divisions in the manuscripts of the Old Testament before they were inserted in the 13th Century, so Isaiah Chapter 34 and 35 lay back to back and are spiritually fused together. In Chapter 34 we see the justice and righteousness of God which are the foundation of His throne displayed in judgement, however in Chapter 35 we see the mercy and covenant love of God for His people whom He has redeemed by the blood of the Messiah our Lord Jesus…

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