NEWSBITE 30.7.2024

In yesterday’s online edition of “The Times of Israel” a headline read; “Turkey’s Erdogan issues open threat to invade Israel.” According to the brief article it stated; Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens to invade Israel in support of the Palestinians. “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to Palestine,” says Erdogan, one of the bitterest critics of Israel on the international stage, referring to the war against Hamas in Gaza. “Just as we entered [Nagorno-] Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we might do the same to them. There is nothing we can’t do. We must only be strong!” Turkey is a member of NATO, which includes the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, and other close Israeli allies.”

Once again we see the man from Turkey calling for a Jihad against Israel. As a firm advocate of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology of a global caliphate, the man from Turkey clearly sees it would seem that the time may be right for him in his mindset to resurrect the Turkish Ottoman Empire. He, like Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, are all watching what will happen when the Americans go to the voting poles in November later this year. Even though Turkey is a member of NATO, and has the second largest army in NATO, and no doubt would like to see the Turkish Ottoman Empire and the Caliphate of his Turkish forebears resurrected, he would have no qualms about pulling Turkey out of NATO if he could see the caliphate revived.

There is no doubt concerning his disdain for Israel which has been clearly expressed over the past years, especially in light of his support for Hamas and meeting with their leaders in Turkey earlier this year. Of course what is really on the agenda for the man of Turkey is to somehow seize the opportunity to actually rally the whole Islamic world to his war-banner, something that has historically marked Islam, “the ideology of the sword.” Hence we see crossed scimitars pointing upwards on Islamic flags and banners declaring conquest by the sword and submission to Islam.

In Ezekiel Chapter 38:1-6 we see the nations named that will invade Israel in these last of the last days. On ancient maps of the Middle –East Magog, Rosh, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer and Beth Togarmah were all located in the geographical region of modern day Turkey. As for the other nations with them you have Persia (Iran today), you have Cush (Sudan today), you have Put (Libya today). All of these are Islamic nations and enclaves today.

We are also told in Ezekiel Chapter 38 that there will be “many nations with them.” What is happening today in the Middle-East concerning Israel, faced on all sides now with Islamic militancy, aggression and malevolency, the stage is being set for the invasion of the Holy land. One of the key factors that may well precipitate the attack is who gets into the Oval Office in November.

So far NATO, the EU and the UN have not given support to Israel, and under the Biden Administration there seems to be only ‘a trickle’ of armaments being sent to Israel from the United States.  Watching Senator Ted Cruise in Congress almost berating the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the two-faced dealings of the Biden Administration in relation to their supposed support of Israel was revealing indeed! Blinken was trying to evade answering the ‘hard’ questions. Biden’s policy of not wanting to escalate the conflict in the Middle-East is detrimental to Israel’s security whichever way you look at it. Any cease fire is not an option now for Israel.

Now if the man from Turkey is the Antichrist then once Satan enters him he will have the same kind of drawing power we saw in Adolph Hitler, who was clearly possessed by a very powerful satanic principality and the masses in Germany were mesmerised by his rhetoric which in reality was filled with hate and violence and with anti-Semitism, such was his drawing power by the principality living on the inside of him. However, as for the Antichrist, also called the man of sin, the son of perdition, the man doomed to destruction, he will be personally indwelt by Satan Himself and proclaim himself to be God (Daniel 11:36-37) (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Just as by the power of that principality in Adolph Hitler was able to draw the whole of Germany and Italy to Hitler’s war banner, so the man from Turkey, if he is indeed the prophesied man of sin, being indwelt by Satan himself, will draw the whole Islamic world to his war banner. The Caliphate and the Ottoman Turkish Empire would be resurrected to confront the west, to confront Christendom and to confront Israel.

It would seem that Turkey may well become a major player, if not the major player in the Middle-East conflict. Time will tell of course, but time is rapidly running out for the nations as we see the sharp escalation of the Middle-East conflict coming into full swing as it were. In Daniel 11:36-45 we have the Antichrist’s military campaign described, but also where he will meet his end at Jerusalem with no one to help him, the city God loves and where He has placed His name forever that will be delivered by the Rider on the White Horse accompanied by the armies of heaven! (Daniel 11:45) (Isaiah 63:1-6) (Revelation 19:11-16).