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If anyone had his ups and downs emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually it was David. When he was running from Saul’s relentless pursuit in order to take his life David fled from Saul and in desperation went to Achish king of Gath for refuge knowing full well that the Philistines may kill him because he had already established a reputation as one who had slain many of them and had taken out their champion Goliath. The servants of Achish reminded their king of the past celebrations of the Israelites who extolled the military conquests of David more than those of King Saul.

When David heard about this being related to King Achish he became fearful for his life and in order to save it feigned insanity before the Philistines by acting like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard. When King Achish heard about this he was angry that his officials should even mention David’s ‘madness’ and suggest David come before the king. David knew what the outcome would be so he escaped and went to the cave of Adullam. It was cold and damp and isolated and David found himself feeling alone but never the less found his sense of security and assurance in the LORD who had never abandoned him to his enemies.

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