NEWSBITE 18.11.2022

On July 1st in 2021 Chinese President Xi Jinping said publically “The Chinese people will never allow any foreign forces to bully us. Anyone who dares to try will have their heads bashed bloody against a great wall of steel.” This clearly indicates the mindset of the Communist Chinese regime. There is no doubt that China has an expansionist agenda with a global perspective in view. Most certainly China has not given up on bringing Taiwan back under the Chinese communist umbrella.  If Donald trump has stayed in office China would not be making rather loud overtones about taking back Taiwan, at least not publically. However with Biden at the helm his administration has made a laughing stock of America before the nations of the world. Even the Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have occurred on President Trump’s watch; neither would we be seeing North Korea engaging and persisting in ballistic missile test launches.

According to a report in a major online media outlet that can be trusted to tell the truth, reported earlier this month that China has again unleashed on the Washington-Canberra relationship by issuing a grim threat to Australia amid reports the US Air Force could deploy nuclear-capable bombers to the Northern Territory and warned that plans to deploy US B-52 bombers to be based in the Northern Territory would “trigger an arms race” and escalate tensions in the region. According to the ABC online it reported that the Albanese Government has secured a deal with the United States to expand the Tindal Royal Australian Air force Base to house these nuclear-capable bombers. The B-52 bomber would be part of an ongoing rotation of American military and air force equipment through the Top End. But amid already heightened regional tensions, Beijing slammed suggestions of increased military might in Australia.

The former Liberal government under Scott Morrison began negotiations with Washington to expand the US’s air force presence in the Northern Territory. The two countries agreed to enhance cooperation through the rotational deployment of “all types” of US aircraft during the 2021 Australia-US ministerial consultations. The new Australian Liberal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said it was “absolutely essential” to strengthen Australia’s military cooperation with the US and allies as well as bolster up its defence systems in the Northern Territory. “I want to see there being a greater cooperation with the United States, that is very important,” Mr Dutton said this past Monday. “It’s in our security interests, it’s in our national best interests, and any adversary would see Australia, if we were sitting here by ourselves as an island of 25.8 million people in the middle of nowhere, we have a vulnerability. “And it’s important for us to have a very strong relationship with the United States, the United Kingdom, with all of our other allies including Canada, India, Japan, and others who are equally worried about what they’re seeing in the Indo Pacific at the moment.”

To the political leaders of these nations China itself is a threat to the security of the whole Indo pacific region. China will never back down on its agenda to be the No1 global power in the world. This is the agenda of the Chinese Communist mindset. History has shown this ruthless and ambitious ideology to dominate and control people and exterminate all those that resist this form of totalitarian despotic dictatorship a stark reality of Communism. We saw this with Stalin in Russia who killed at least 9 million people through mass murder, forced labour, and famine, but the true figure may be as high as 60 million.

Likewise, it has been estimated that under Mao in China with his communist ideology caused the death of 30 million Chinese. According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with—by execution, imprisonment or forced famine. To this very day Mao is still held in high esteem by the regime of Xi Jinping.

This week has seen the newly appointed Australian Prime Minister meet with Xi Jinping to try to re-establish strong economic ties with China which have been up until now somewhat ‘strained’ due to the Former PM Scott Morrison siding with those political leaders who blamed China for the Covid 19 outbreak globally. As for human rights abuses China takes the cake next to the Islamic countries that do the same things and what we also see happening in North Korea. Furthermore, Australia agreed with America to go to Taiwan’s defence if China sought to invade Taiwan. You have the AUKUS alliance being a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, that was announced on 15 September 2021 for the ongoing security of the Indo-Pacific region, which in reality was agreed upon to keep China in check concerning its obvious expansionist agenda for the indo pacific region.

Now the Australian government under the Albanese regime, which leans heavily towards a form of socialist left-wing form of governance, is now ‘shaking hands’ with the government of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). One asks the question, where does this place the security of Australia? Can Australia sustain a viable so called economic and even civil relationship with China while allowing the United States to deploy nuclear-capable bombers to the Northern Territory as a deterrent to China? What the Albanese government does will determine what China will do.

Australia as a nation by and large is a neo-pagan nation. While there are Bible believers seeking to turn the tide of socialist anti-biblical legislation, especially in Victoria with a socialist left-wing totalitarian dictator, the nation as a whole does not care about spiritual matters. If Aussies by and large can have their beer, their sports, their pleasures, their favourite shows on television, their prawns “on the Barbie’ and access to everything that is materialistic it would seem they are happy to go along with whoever is in government who will give them what they crave. It has been said that people will give up their freedoms to keep their security. Of course now in Australia it is all manipulation and control of a socialist mindset being established by the current government which leans heavily towards a socialist left-wing ideology.

Australia is at present a nation under the judgement of God! Why is this so?

In the state of Victoria the current Premier, who is up for election this month, has already pushed the following legislation through Parliament in Victoria. When he was the Health Minister he introduced ‘abortion to birth’ – which now pervades the nation. Now as the State Premier he has voted down medical care for babies born alive in failed abortions. His socialist leaning administration has overseen removing Scripture from schools, banning children from singing Christian carols, and outlawing people offering support to women outside abortion clinics. Currently his administration sponsors programs that indoctrinate children with gender and political ideology in schools.

He has also had legislated conversion suppression laws criminalise parents who refuse to affirm the desires of a gender-questioning child. These laws deny gender confused or sexually troubled people the opportunity to receive caring client-led therapy which they may desire. His administration champions LGBT policies through all levels of government and society and invests in clinics and advocacy groups that promote gender transition. His ‘regime’ has legalised euthanasia, same-sex adoption, and changing sex on birth certificates and has severely restricted the ability of Christian schools to hire staff who share their ethos.

It has been stated by a political analyst that this Australian Labor government is the most hard-line left wing government ever in the Labour Party’s history in Australia. The State Premier of Victoria himself is very much at home when travelling to China. Now the Australian Government under Anthony Albanese has withdrawn Australia’s acknowledgment of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He himself is pro-Palestinian and in reality no friend of Israel even though he says publically Australia supports Israel. In effect it would seem that under the current Labor Government Australia has to all intent and purposes become a goat nation to be judged by the Lord Jesus after He has returned.

In Matthews Gospel we are told that after He has returned to earth that the Lord Jesus will have gathered before Him the nations and will separate the sheep nations from the goat nations. The sheep nations, being those nations that supported and sustained Israel, His brethren in the flesh in their time of greatest need, were welcomed by Him into His Messianic kingdom, while the goat nations that did not support and sustain Israel went into hell.

Individually speaking, those who support Israel and stand alongside them in their darkest hour to come will only be those who are born again, blood washed, blood redeemed New Covenant Bible believers who understand Biblically God’s prophetic purposes for Israel. On the other hand there will be those who are not really saved and many who profess to be saved who will not stand alongside Israel when the Time of the Big Trouble kicks in and they will be sent away into eternal conscious punishment (Matthew 25:31-46). This is heavy stuff but it is written in the Word of God.

We also know from past history that when a nation turns away from God and His laws and for convenience sake embraces the ungodly policies of their leaders whom they vote into office, that He sends a nation to rule over them that will be far worse than the one they have had and voted for. In Australia there are many Bible believing Christians seeking to stem the tide of this downward plunge of Australian society into spiritual chaos and darkness and this is some light in the encroaching spiritual darkness spreading across the land of Australia, but if God in His sovereign wisdom and foreknowledge chooses to send calamity to bring about spiritual correction then it will happen.

It may be that the current government of Australia will lean towards China and possibly even distance themselves from America and possibly pull out of the AUKUS alliance and consequently roll out the red carpet for Chinese occupation being of the same socialist mindset, especially if America can no longer be the global police force it once was as a deterrent to those who would destroy democracy made possible because of the Judeo-Christian freedoms that have been enjoyed. Now these are being replaced with an ungodly diabolical totalitarian form of despotism which we see immerging in Australia.

This month will see the elections in the state of Victoria in just a few days’ time and the people in the state of Victoria will vote and it has been said that people get the leaders they deserve. The only power that can turn aside this decent into chaos and control by an Orwellian form of governance is the proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom by faithful Bible believers. It also needs to be said that the Church in Australia must get rid of its seeker friendly, purpose driven, hyper faith prosperity, materialistically minded emphasis on buildings and structures and feel-good sermons, and separate itself from ecumenical associations and even interfaith dialogue, and return to its Judeo- Christian Biblical roots being the absolute and final authority of God’s Word.

Australia now stands at the spiritual crossroads, which road will it choose?  Will it be the narrow road that leads to life or the broad road that leads to destruction? Will it be salvation or socialism? Will it be Christ or Communism? It is no longer ‘the lucky country.’ Australia’s very freedoms, which Aussies fought and died for in two world wars, are now being eroded by political left-wing socialist bureaucrats and Australia’s so called ‘luck’ is rapidly running out! Australia can no longer rely upon America now inundated by its own internal conflicts in government and in society and possibly having to deal with Russia in the near future.

Also it must be said and acknowledged that in Australia there are faithful Bible believers who are standing in the gap and pleading with God and working hard in Australian society for the salvation of the people of this nation which must be acknowledged and affirmed. However, has the time come when there is not enough of the righteous left in the nation to stem the tsunami of wickedness now spreading like gangrene over the land of Australia?

We are told in Matthew’s Gospel that because of the increase of lawlessness (wickedness) that even the love of most professing Christians will grow cold. (Matthew 24:12). If an invasion of Australia by China occurs, either by invitation from the Australian government or by a military occupation it would be the final result for a nation whose leaders and people by and large have turned its back on its Biblical Judeo-Christian heritage. If this ‘invasion’ happens by a Christ hating, Christ rejecting Communist regime, even at the invitation of an Australian socialist government; in God’s economy it will bring about the persecution of faithful Bible believers yet become the very means by which Australia as a nation will be spiritually revived!