The Caliphate is Coming!

A ‘knee-jerk’ reaction!

Since President Trump’s announcement stating Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and his intention to relocate the US Embassy in Jerusalem, the whole world has had a sudden ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to the news. Erdogan of Turkey is no exception in this matter and is now rallying the whole Muslim world to take back Jerusalem from the Jewish people. While outwardly acknowledging the United Nations he is using them to mask his darker and more sinister hidden objective, namely a revived Islamic Caliphate of global proportions.

“A person so divine?”

In the Hurriyet Daily News online report a ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) official said on Dec. 26, when speaking at an AKP congress in Ankara said concerning Erdogan, “Our president is a person so divine, he is a human being sent by Allah and a hope for this ummah. Is there any way other than to pursue him, to serve him on his path?” “The Ummah” is a common Arabic word meaning “people group”, or “nation.” The term takes on a religious connotation in the Qur’an. In Islamic thought, “The Ummah” represents a universal world order, ruled by an Islamic government (the Caliph) in accordance with the “Law of God” (the Shariah, Islamic religious law), and patterned after the community founded by Muhammad at Medina in 622 AD; it even includes Jews and Christians living within its territory as separate (and inferior) communities.”

Rallying the troops!

As for Erdogan’s ambitions he wants to relocate the Turkish Embassy to East Jerusalem because he knows it is the kind of move that will gain him millions of supporters around the Islamic world that he needs to establish himself as the supreme Caliph of Islam and I dare say as the prophesied Mahdi of Islam. Undoubtedly the Palestinian Authority and millions of Arabs would support such a move to relocate the Turkish Embassy to East Jerusalem.

So much for Assad!

One of the obstacles to Erdogan establishing a Caliphate is Syria and the Assad regime backed by Russia. Erdogan is now openly calling for the downfall of Assad.In another report in the Hurriyet Daily News 27.12.2017 Erdogan made these statements; “Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a terrorist and continuing with him in Syrian peace efforts is impossible”… “Al-Assad is definitely a terrorist who has carried out state terrorism,”… “It is impossible to continue with al-Assad. How can we embrace the future with a Syrian president who has killed almost a million of his citizens?”… Would the people of Syria want to see such a person as leader? Because I am saying this absolutely clearly and openly that al-Assad is actually a terrorist involved in state terrorism,” He also asserted that peace will not come to Syria with al-Assad as its president. He also spoke about the U.S. administration’s recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to the contested city. He said, “East Quds (Jerusalem) is the capital for us. We are backing this and the Islamic world is also supporting it,” He also asserted determination in efforts to make the entire world recognize the state of Palestine.

Sunnis and Shiites unite!

Once Assad has gone and Iran has control over Syria and Iraq and Jordan then Iran will join forces with Turkey and the issue that will unite this Sunni and Shiite divide will be to attempt to see the capitulation of the Jews concerning the status of Jerusalem. I am still persuaded that Turkey will lead the Sunni Crescent and Iran the Shiite crescent in a pincer attack on Israel in the future invasion as described in Ezekiel 38-39 and other nations opposed to Israel will join them.

Israel vs Iran

Before this all-out invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38-39 happens I am also persuaded on the basis of scripture that Iran will go to war with Israel and loose. This war, as I understand it, is described in Daniel chapter 10. Once Iran has Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and Jordan it will be able to launch this all-out war against Israel. At this time the archangel Michael will support the Lord Jesus in the unseen and spiritual realm in a fight against the Principality over Persia (Iran) After this will come the war with Turkey (Daniel 10:13,20) In its war with Israel Iran will be down but not out for the count but later return with Turkey in the Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel.

A temporary peace?

It may well be that this war between Israel and Iran will produce a temporary peace of sorts and Israel will prosper and as a result become “a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations, a land of unwalled villages, a peaceful and unsuspecting people-all living without walls and without bars or gates.” (Ezekiel 38:8-10) Then at a future date the main invasion will come (Ezekiel 38:1-16) (Joel 1:1-5;2:1-11) The LORD will intervene and drive this great army from the North into the Eastern Sea (The Mediterranean Sea) (Joel 2:20)

Bringing the OIC on board

It is interesting that on the 13th December an emergency summit of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), presided by the term president Turkey, was held in Istanbul to recognize East Jerusalem as the occupied capital of the State of Palestine in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump’s unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. Immediately after the Istanbul summit, the U.N. General Assembly convened and voted by a majority of 128 votes to denounce Trump’s move and to focus on a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Caliphate is coming!

Clearly Erdogan is positioning himself to become the spokesman for Islam globally and the issue over Jerusalem has created the perfect opportunity to establish himself as a global leader of the whole of the Islamic world. Of course his agenda is the establishment of a global Caliphate with himself as the supreme Caliph of Islam. The whole Muslim world may come to the point where they unanimously declare that Erdogan of Turkey has been sent by Allah to establish Islam globally with its capital in Jerusalem.

‘Toast’ on the Mountains of Israel

The official of the AKP may have said concerning Erdogan; “Our president is a person so divine, he is a human being sent by Allah and a hope for this Ummah. Is there any way other than to pursue him, to serve him on his path?” but she is sadly mistaken because God Himself will have the last word on the status of Jerusalem and woe betide those who oppose Him in this matter. The armies of Turkey, Iran and every other nation that has sought to divide the Land of Israel and Jerusalem and destroy the Jewish people, will become ‘toast’ on the mountains of Israel (Ezekiel 38:22; 39:6) (Zechariah 14:12)

This Generation shall not pass away

Once again I am reminded what God said concerning the City of Jerusalem in the last days; “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.” (Zechariah 12:2-3) I am further persuaded (not dogmatic) that this generation shall not pass away until all these things are fulfilled. (Matthew 24:34) The most important thing is that we are ready to meet Him at His Second Coming!