A Famine For the Hearing of God’s Word


In the latest edition of ‘Israel Today’ online a one word header said “Drought!” The article went on to say it is not only rabbis and priests, but even Muslim sheikhs have been calling for prayer for rain over the past few weeks.” Clearly when we see such droughts the LORD is revealing the spiritual aridness and dryness that is in Israel today. More so this spiritual drought is also clearly evident in Christendom today. There is a famine for the hearing of God’s Word. The hearing refers to the revelation of God’s Word to the minds and hearts of those who hear it but have no revelation of it in their spirit.

A famine for hearing the Word of God

The Prophet Amos writes concerning the last days…“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the Lord. “People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east; They will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, But they will not find it.” (Amos 8:11-12)

The ‘spirit of Jezebel’

The drought in Israel clearly shows that the Land is in dire need of spiritual revival. In the time of Elijah there was a drought in the Land of Israel for three and a half years because the king Ahab had embraced the spirit of false religion perpetrated on him and Israel by the witch Jezebel who represents spiritual seduction. (Revelation 2:20) The famine in Elijah’s time showed the spiritual famine for the hearing of God’s Word. In the Time of Jacob’s Trouble also called Great Tribulation for three and a half years the spirit of false religion (the spirit of Jezebel) will be dominating Israel and the Church and there will be a famine for the hearing of God’s Word in Israel and Christendom.

Those who know their God will do exploits!

Elijah was in the minority and Jezebel had killed off most of the prophets and she was after his Hyde as well. During this time for three and a half years, being “time, times and half a time” the beast empire of Antichrist will be wearing down the saints of the Most High but the time will come when the saints will inherit the Millennial Kingdom when the Lord Jesus the Messiah comes back. (Daniel 7:21-22, 24-27) (Daniel 12:7) In these days, despite severe opposition from satanic power “those who know their God will do exploits!” (Daniel 11:32)

The faithful remnant

Today there is a faithful remnant in Israel and in Christendom who do have the Word of the LORD but they are a minority and even now are hard-pressed as the end of this age draws closer. Satan now knows that his time is short and his doom is looming on the horizon. He has his ‘imposters’ or ‘enchanters’ in Israel and the Church, wicked men who oppose the truth of God’s Word and men of depraved minds and as far as the faith is concerned they have already been rejected by God and their duplicity will eventually be uncovered and overcome by the saints. (2 Timothy 3:1-9, 13)

Those who have insight

Like things were in the time of Jezebel there are myriads of false prophets around today seeking to spiritually mesmerize and enchant most of God’s people with bogus counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders and false prophecies of one sort or another as long as your arm but the ‘wise’ (those who know the Word of God) will understand and give light to the others who need to see the truth. As the prophet Daniel writes; “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3) In the context it is speaking of the last days.

Keeping the course

May the LORD give us the capacity to stay the course and keep the ears of our hearts open to hearing the revelation of the Word of God as Elijah did. He got depressed and discouraged and even ran for his life at one time but God sustained His servant during those three and a half years and he completed his assigned task and then God took him home. May it be so with us!