A Sporting Chance!

Anyone for Soccer?

With World Soccer Fever in full swing I have just watched a video clip of Prime Minister Netanyahu holding a soccer ball and speaking to the Iranian people. It warmed my heart to see the sincerity of this man for the people of Iran, not the regime of course. It is very clear that he genuinely loves the Iranian people and encouraged the people of Iran, expressing their disillusionment with the Ayatollah’s despotic rule, to continue in their struggle for freedom and democracy and for the right use of the nation’s finances. He ended his short video speech expressing his hope to see the day when an Israeli and Iranian soccer team play a match in Tehran. It was an absolutely excellent speech! I really like him as Israel’s Prime Minister and personally believe that he is the right man for the top job in Israel at present.

God’s ultimate plan for Iran

The LORD spoke through the prophet Jeremiah concerning the future of Iran (Elam) “So I will shatter Elam before their enemies And before those who seek their lives; And I will bring calamity upon them, Even My fierce anger,’ declares the Lord, ‘And I will send out the sword after them Until I have consumed them. ‘Then I will set My throne in Elam And destroy out of it king and princes,’ Declares the Lord. ‘But it will come about in the last days that I will restore the fortunes of Elam (restore then from their captivity),’ ”Declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 49:37-39)

A fight they cannot win!

God is going to show His mercy and salvation to the people of Iran once He has removed the Iranian regime holding their people in the grip of its despotic rule. The protests against the Ayatollahs by the Iranian people show that they do not want to stay under this fundamentalist Islamic tyrannical government. The Iranian regime is on a collision course with Israel and will lose the fight because Israel’s Messiah, our Lord Jesus will fight for Israel. (Daniel 10:12-14, 20) It willm be a fight they cannot win! Later in the Ezekiel 38 invasion the armies of the Iranian regime will be completely destroyed on the mountains of Israel along with the armies of Turkey and other Islamic nations that have surrounded Jerusalem.

Satan’s power shattered

According to the Word of the LORD through the prophet Jeremiah Iran will become a nation under the sovereignty of the Messiah our Lord Jesus which will come about in His Millennial Kingdom when He restores the fortunes of Iran, delivering them from the captivity to the Iranian regime. Satan’s grip over that country will be shattered and the principality over Iran driven out by God’s power!

Restored from captivity

Also there are already many believers in the Lord Jesus in Iran and when the despotic regime has been removed it will be amazing just how many believers in the Lord Jesus there are in Iran. Things may not look good for the Iranian people at present but according to God’s plan He has personally said; “But it will come about in the last days That I will restore the fortunes (captivity) of Elam,’ ”Declares the Lord.”

A Sporting Chance!

I really loved Prime Minister Netanyahu’s video speech concerning his desires for peace with the Iranian people and a cameo action picture of him juggling a soccer ball with his feet. He knows that the real problem for Israel, humanly speaking, is the Iranian regime and not the people of Iran. May the day come soon when the Iranian and Israel soccer teams will indeed play in Tehran on Iranian soil and see in play “a sporting chance!

Video link; http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/34302/Default.aspx