Who Are the Ten Kings?

(Revelation 17:12-18) “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast. These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.”

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been invited to visit India in January 2021 to transform the G7 group of leading industrialised nations. The Prime Minister of UK has asked the India, Australia and South Korea to attend the G7 summit to be hosted by the UK in 2021. D10 stands for 10 biggest democracies of the world. India is included in this list. The UK decided to pursue top 10 democracies of the world as an alternate to 5G equipment and technologies so as to avoid reliance on China’s telecom giant Huawei. Britain had proposed a ‘D10’ club of democratic partners that groups the G7 nations with Australia and the Asian technology leaders South Korea and India.

The D10 Group would include G7 countries being the UK, US, Italy, Germany, France, Japan and Canada, plus Australia, South Korea and India. It is aimed for channelling investments into existing telecommunication companies within the 10 member states. The group’s goal is to create alternative suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies to avoid relying on China. But now the group is being seen as an alternate arrangement against the authoritarian states such as China. The D10 group would be an attempt by the first world countries to stop China from picking off the democratic countries with lobbying and strategic placement of investment funds which later becomes a transfer of economy from them to China.

At present China is rising in the world with its malicious intention to become a superpower. After the coronavirus outbreak, however, the countries of the world have started working in the direction of reducing their dependence on China. The D10 group of countries would thus need to make such policies that would not just be reactive but proactive to China’s technological and political triggers.

I well remember many years ago now that prophecy teachers were looking at the European Union and the beast empire of the Antichrist and were looking for a ten nation European confederacy. Today there are 27 member countries in the EU. Many undoubtedly who are looking at prophecy may well see in this latest attempt by the UK to form the D10 the formation of the ten nation confederacy mentioned in the Books of Daniel and Revelation, but are they the ten kings mentioned in God’s Word? We need to look at the relationshiop between the last beast empire with the ten kings to have a clearer picture of who these ten kings might be. Now let’s look at this from the Word of God.

1. Who is the Beast?

In Bible prophecy beasts represent empires but also the rulers over those empires. More specifically, horns in Bible prophecy represent kings. We see this in Daniel Chapter seven where we see four beast empires rise in the earth. Historically these four beast empires were Babylon. Medio-Persia, the Greco-Roman Empire and the fourth one was the Turkish Ottoman Islamic Empire. When you consider the first three beast empires they could assimilate.

The Persians were able to absorb much of the culture and religious practices of Babylon and adopted the same two main deities of Babylon but changed their names. Greece was able to absorb the mystery religious practices and culture of the Persians and also adopted their two main deities but also changed their names. Next, there came Rome which adopted the culture, the governance, the military strategies, the lifestyle and culture of the Greeks and also adopted Greece’s main two deities but just changed their names. Hence, Rome was known as the Greco-Roman World. So in the first three beast empires we have Babylon, Medio-Persia and the Greco-Roman Empire.

This fourth beast empire could not assimilate with any previous culture but had large iron teeth by which it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left and it was different from all the former beasts and it had ten horns. (Revelation 7:7) These ten ‘horns’ or kings were part of this fourth beast empire. The Federation of these ten kings would be those aligned with the Islamic beast empire, the fourth beast. We are also told that three of these kings were plucked up by the roots by a little horn who will be the Antichrist. (Revelation 7:8)

Today the symbols of Islam are the crescent moon and the star. These two images represent the same two deities that were worshipped in every ancient civilization in the Middle East going all the way back to Nimrod the founder of the original Babylon. (Genesis 10:10) Nimrod was deified as the male god while his mother Semiramis was designated as the female goddess. They say she was also his wife as well. Down through the following Middle-Eastern empires we see images of the baby ‘god’ resting in the lap of its mother. This is the source of the Madonna and Child in Roman Catholicism where Mary is venerated even above the Lord Jesus. It is Babylonian in nature.

This fourth beast empire re-surfaces in Revelation chapter 13 and we see it represented in two beast empires which are in fact the one and the same empire. The first beast empire that seemingly receives a fatal would but its wound is healed is resurrected in the second beast empire. This Second beast empire gives its allegiance to the first beast empire and its king or ruler. (Revelation 13:12) They have the same ideology and the same purpose. They are at war with the Lamb of God our Lord Jesus the Messiah. (Revelation 17:14) Now we need to look very briefly at the ten kings mentioned in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

2. Who are the ten kings?

We see them mentioned in Daniel Chapter seven and in Revelation Chapter seventeen and also represented by the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue in Daniel Chapter two. Nebuchadnezzars statue in Daniel Chapter two represents the same four beast empires in Daniel Chapter seven. It is interesting that the toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue are a mixture of iron and clay which cannot adhere to one another. When you look at Islam today not only can it not assimilate with any other ideology, religion or culture, but you also have the Sunni and Shiite divide. When Muslims do not have a common enemy to fight they go to fighting each other.

Having said this, when the Islamic Antichrist is revealed the whole Muslim world will follow after him and worship him and wherever his kingdom is established and it will be vast. He will demand to be worshipped as God throughout his empire as we see in the character of Nebuchadnezzar. Satan will be living on the inside of this man of sin and receiving the worship of unsaved people and from apostate Jews and Christians. (Daniel 11:36-37) (2 Thessalonians 2:4) (Revelation 13: 4) These ten kings are in league with the Antichrist’s empire and aligned with his will and purposes to engage in a war with the Lamb and His followers but it is a war that Satan and his man of sin and their empire and the ten kings cannot win!

I would like to suggest that this ten nation confederacy will not be the European Union or the D-10 confederation of nations if it comes about because there are Christian nations involved in the D-10 that have Judeo-Christian roots. Instead it will be a ten-nation confederacy of Islamic nations aligned with the beast empire of Islam spearheaded by Turkey. Three of these kings will ultimately be dismembered by the Antichrist. (Daniel 7:8) As for the Antichrist, also known as the man of sin, after he has made great boasts and exulted himself to be God, we are also told in the prophet Daniel that the thrones of judgement with their heavenly judges will be set in place in the heavenly kingdom and among them will sit the Ancient of Days Himself the Triune God. Once the books are opened in the heavenly court room sentence will be passed on the Antichrist and his empire and they will be destroyed physically and thrown into the like of fire to be tormented forever and ever. (Daniel 7:11) (Revelation 19:21; 20:10) The armies of the nations that go down into the pit are listed by name in the prophet Ezekiel and are all Islamic today. (Ezekiel 32:18-32)

As for the surviving nations that remain they are stripped of their power and authority and subjugated to serve under the Messiah our Lord Jesus in His Messianic kingdom on earth. (Daniel 7: 12) (Zechariah 14:16-21) Daniel then continues as he writes; “I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him. “And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13-14)

In the final battle with Satan and the Antichrist, we who belong to the Lord Jesus the Messiah, whom God designates the called, chosen and the faithful, will fight under the Messiah’s war banner of victory. He who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

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