Salvation or Submission?

George Orwell (1903-1950)

In his world famous book 1984 George Orwell wrote; “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”… “No one can get up much enthusiasm for a Government which puts you in jail if you open your mouth”… “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices”… “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing”… “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

The Re-Programming: 2+2=5

In the movie version of George Orwell’s famous book 1984 we see how a government had perpetrated a lie on the masses and had convinced them that what they had been telling the people was the truth when in fact it was a lie. The main character in the story of 1984, a free thinker within a complete totalitarian society, was caught and detained in a detention centre and indoctrinated to believe a lie that masked the truth. He was strapped to a chair and attached to his body was some kind of electrode that could give out electric shocks to his brain. When he did not give the so called ‘right answers’ to his interrogator, the device was activated sending a shock to his brain every time he did not give the answer his interrogator wanted from him.

The interrogator held up 4 fingers and asked the detainee “how many fingers do you see?” the man replied “4 fingers.” “No” his interrogator said “there are 5 fingers.” When the detainee insisted that there were only four fingers the voltage of the electronic pulse was turned up a bit higher causing more discomfort and pain. The process was repeated over a fair length of time and each time the detainee answered correctly the voltage was increased. Eventually the interrogation and the lie being constantly thrust on the detainee became for that man the truth even though it was lie. The interrogator was using a tactic that produced fear and uncertainty and confusion in the mind of the detainee.

After being intensely disorientated mentally, emotionally and even physically in his complete exhaustion after intense brain washing, he finally gave the answer the interrogator wanted to hear. When the detainee saw four fingers he said it was five not four. He ended up believing that 2+2=5. After that they released him into society and he went out to join the masses that were all living the lie, oblivious to the truth, and joined in the worship of big brother’s image on the giant television screen and hanging on every word he was saying. The masses were no longer capable of believing the truth even if they heard it. The man who had been interrogated was totally deceived and reprogrammed through fear and intimidation to believe whatever he was told by the totalitarian regime.

The Tyranny of Totalitarianism

George Orwell’s vision of a totalitarian future was the stark reality that saw the terrible detention camps during the regimes of Stalin and Mao and Hitler with their re-education, re-programming indoctrination methods and despotic totalitarian regimes that saw millions upon millions of inmates either accept what they were being indoctrinated with or face extermination. The Nazi death camps saw 6 million Jews systematically exterminated. We also saw unethical and unproven medical ‘experiments’ that were being done on Jewish children by the Nazi doctors. Today we see the same detention centres in North Korea, China and in Russia. As for Islamic totalitarian regimes in those countries so called ‘dissidents’ and faithful New Covenant Bible believers are killed if they do not convert to Islam.

Today we see a form of totalitarianism immerging in the governments of the free democratic world. We have seen former President Donald Trump, a champion of freedom and democracy, ‘railroaded’ out of the White House by what I am strongly convinced was achieved by a rigged election by those within Congress, who are enemies of democracy and who lean heavily towards a left-wing socialist ideology where they are obsessed with seeing a totalitarian regime established in America.

Then we saw the former Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, a strong and capable leader, who also advocated democracy ousted by a three-fold political faction having differing ideologies, but who had banded together to get rid of him. In Europe, especially in France, we also see a form of totalitarian government immerging under the French President Macron. In Australia we can see this totalitarian ideology coming through as we see certain State Premiers enforcing lockdowns and curfews over the excuse of public health due to COVID-19.

Quarantine facilities or detention centres?

Now in Australia a regional COVID-19 quarantine facility is being constructed in Queensland, The Queensland government is building the COVID-19 quarantine camp which is expected to have 500 beds available by the end of the year and a total of 1,000 beds by the end of the first quarter of 2022. The Queensland government will operate the regional facility once it is operational.

There is no doubt that others will be built in other Australian states as well. One is already being planned for the state of Victoria by the State Premier and his left-wing socialist totalitarian minded Labor government that has mandated the strictness lockdown and curfew in the country. Overseas they are saying in the news media that it is the worst and longest lockdown in the world. It is being called a police state! It seems that the Victorian State Premier is seeking to enforce a form of his own socialist left-wing totalitarian ideology on the people of Victoria. In America large detention facilities already exist as they do in Canada.

Are we being told the truth?

Now no one doubts the serious effects of COVID-19. Whether it can really be called a so called ‘Pandemic,’ the name I believe that was first couched by Dr Anthony Fauci, is something that needs to be viewed in light of the 1918 Spanish flu as an example.  The number of deaths estimated from the Spanish Flu ranged from 17.4 million to 100 million, with an accepted general range of 25-50 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. This was a real pandemic putting the numbers of COVID-19 deaths worldwide into the shade!!!  Are we being told the real truth or being ‘conditioned’ into believing what our respective governments are telling us especially about the efficacy of the experimental vaccines being thrust on the masses? The downside of the vaccination push is that there are genuine reports coming out that it is not completely safe and the long term effects on a person’s health has not been documented or conclusive yet these genuine reports are being suppressed by power hungry politicians and  the mainstream media. The ‘lies’ are being touted as ‘the truth’ and so ‘the conditioning’ continues!

The Biblical Perspective

Now we need to look at this whole situation globally from a Biblical and spiritual perspective. Satan is at work behind the scenes of the whole COVID-19 scenario. The Bible calls him, “the god of this age that has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of the Messiah, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). He is working overtime on those in positions of political leadership with power over the masses to get those masses within those nations to rely upon a centralised form of authority that in reality is totalitarian in nature instead of relying on God. Having said this we also need to keep in mind that, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it” (Psalm 24:1-3). Biblically speaking God still has everything under control, and He does you know! It is  always safe to trust the Lord!

When the Restrainer is removed

We know that the blessed Holy Spirit now restrains Satan from fully manifesting himself to the world through the man of sin. However, the time is rapidly approaching when the Holy Spirit will no longer restrain the man of sin and he will be revealed to the world and the only ones who will really know what is happening will be the New Covenant Bible believers who will know who he is (2 Thessalonians 2:1-8). Behind the scenes Satan is taking advantage of COVID-19 to condition the masses to look to their respective governments for security and to willingly sacrifice their freedoms to keep that security and to continue in their godless hedonistic pagan lifestyles preparing them for the totalitarian despotic empire of the man of sin Satan will establish on earth.

An ‘Orwellian’ future?

I am strongly inclined to think the time is coming when the detention centres, being built in the free world to supposedly facilitate quarantine from the virus, will be used initially to isolate the unvaccinated on the excuse they are a risk to public health. These ‘internments’ on the basis of so called ‘public health,’ will initiate government totalitarianism over every aspect of people’s daily lives. Lockdowns and curfews we see now are part of ‘the conditioning.’ Are we in fact looking at an ‘Orwellian’ future in the western democracies? Intimidation, veiled threats, alarmism, fear-mongering and indoctrination can be subtly introduced by re-programming people’s thinking and emotional responses through the media to accept something that they are told is the truth when it is a lie. The idea of “Big Brother” revealed in the Book 1984 was definitely ‘prophetic’ in nature. Increase ‘the pain’ until submission and acceptance is achieved.

Conditioned to take the mark

Ultimately it would seem that the final mark of the beast system of a totalitarian government more than likely will be given through vaccination. Already governments are now preparing and giving the fully vaccinated a third booster shot as the vaccines are not fully effective it seems. Even the vaccinated are still getting COVID-19. How many more booster ‘jabs’ will be needed? Ongoing booster vaccinations may well be the means by which the final mark will come. By then people will just take it because they have been conditioned to take the jab through alarmism and fear-mongering by political leaders and by the mainstream media and to accept whatever they are told to do by their respective governments. They will have been conditioned to accept that 2+2=5 as we see in the detainee in the book 1984. Added to this, the masses will do what they are told so that they can continue to live wicked and ungodly hedonistic lifestyles that exclude God.

New Covenant Bible Believers

In contrast to this the genuine New Covenant believers who know their Bibles will have received the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to recognize this final mark when it comes and what it really means for one’s eternal salvation (Revelation 13:18) (James 1:5-6). The current vaccinations are not the mark of the beast empire but a pre-curser for the one that is coming. May the blessed Holy Spirit give us as New Covenant believers the discernment and insight to see it when it comes and the power to resist and to overcome it (Revelation 12:13).

The Messiah or the Man of Sin?

The beast empire of the man of sin is coming but so is the Kingdom of the Messiah for when He comes back all earthly kingdoms will be shaken and shattered beyond recovery! The Lord is going to, “lay waste the earth and devastate it; He will ruin its inhabitants and it will be the same for the religious world, the domestic world and the business world. The earth will be totally plundered and every mountain (kingdom) removed from its place” (Isaiah 24:1-3) See also (Revelation 6:14). God’s judgement will fall upon all those on earth that remain unsaved and upon those entities in the fallen unseen spiritual world. All who refuse to be saved and do not love and believe the truth but have delighted in wickedness, will believe the lies they have been told by the beast empire of the man of sin because God will have sent these people a powerful delusion so that they will no longer be capable of believing the truth even when they hear it (Isaiah 24:18b-23) (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Those who have taken the mark will go alive into the lake of fire to be tormented for ever and ever (Revelation 14:9-12). In the Day of the Lord when His judgements are poured out upon a Messiah hating, Messiah rejecting world multitudes will be drawn by God into the valley of Decision (Joel  3:14). Will it be the Messiah or the man of sin? Will it be God or the Devil? People cannot have it both ways!

Martyrdom, yet Glory!

During the reign of the man of sin and his beast empire multitudes of faithful New Covenant Bible believers will face persecution and beheading because of their testimony and loyalty to the Messiah, because they refused the mark, but they will be raised again into a glorious resurrection to co-reign with the Messiah our Lord Jesus in His Millennial Messianic kingdom on earth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4). Ultimately, for all of us as New Covenant believers, we will be a part of the New Jerusalem for time and for eternity! (Revelation 21:1-4).

Sheltered in the Shaking

At the end of this present age God will shake the heavens and the earth and only what the Lord has established on earth will remain intact (Haggai 2:6) (Hebrews 12:25-27) As New Covenant believers, if, through patient endurance imparted to us by the blessed Holy Spirit, we seek to keep walking with the Lord Jesus moment by moment of everyday by faith in Him and in His unchanging Word the Bible, and if we keep drawing on the divine sap of the Holy Spirit moment by moment that only the true vine Himself can give us, then we will produce the spiritual fruitfulness God requires in our daily lives and our eternal reward guaranteed! (John 15:1-8) (Galatians 5:22-25) (Galatians 6:7-10) (Matthew 24:13). In the time of the shaking we will be sheltered.

Obeying God or Caesar?

It may well be that one day many of us will be ‘quarantined’ because of our faith in the Lord Jesus and because we are not living on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and because what we believe will go diametrically opposite to government policy (Matthew 4:4). We are commanded in the Word of God to obey the governing authorities and respect them even though we may not always like what they say and do (Romans 13:1-7). However, we also need to remember that we must “render to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar but to God the things that belong to God” (Mark 12:17). If the government mandates policies that conflict with the Word of God and with our conscience then God and his Word and our conscience must come first!

Coercion, using Covid

History has a way of repeating itself as King Solomon wrote; “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Internment camps will also mark the beast empire of the man of sin. Now COVID-19 is not going away anytime soon. At present we see so called quarantine centres being planned and constructed in the western democracies. Australia is now starting to build them. At first they will be used to isolate those needing to be quarantined who have been close contacts with those who have COVID-19 or actually have the virus themselves. It will progress with the unvaccinated being separated from the vaccinated and the vaccinated being given privileges that will be withheld from the unvaccinated. In Australian political circles they have coined the phrase “No jab, no job” another form of coercion. Then these centres will be used to house those ‘dissenters’ resisting the government and ultimately used to intern New Covenant Bible believers who will not be able to go along with government policy because it will go against Biblical truth and their conscience.

Salvation of Submission?

In light of these things, and in light of the fact that God is going to shake the kingdoms of this world and destroy the man of sin and his beast empire, we, who belong to the Lord our God, will inherit the unshakable kingdom of His One and Only Begotten Eternal Son the Messiah Himself our Lord Jesus. He who has within Himself the resurrection power of an indestructible life! (Hebrews 12:25-29) (Hebrews 7:16). Even though Satan is using COVID-19 to prepare the masses to receive the man of sin and his beast empire, God is allowing COVID-19 to bring people to recognise the spiritual priorities He has for then and to bring them to the place of repentance and into the eternal salvation only found in the Messiah our Lord Jesus (John 14:6) (Acts 4:12). As it is written; “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. In the final analysis every one of us will have to make a choice. Will it be Salvation or Submission?