When the Sun Sets in the West

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)

Ariel Durant, the Russian-born American researcher and Pulitzer Prize winner for her literary work “The Story of Civilization,” co-written with her husband said, “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”

In the Bible when we see the sun rising metaphorically it represents the process of resurrection, a new day or even a new age dawning as it were. However, sunset in the Bible metaphorically represents the process of dying and can also represent the decline and eventual demise of a day or age that is coming to an end.  Now the fall of the Ancient Western Roman Empire has been contributed to many factors. However, having said this I would like to suggest 6 main reasons why Rome fell. These marks are a conspicuous feature of the western democracies today.

Firstly, Rome fell because of the invasion of Barbarian tribes.

These enemies were constantly attacking the frontiers of the Empire and over time Rome was not able to sustain the onslaught. It has been suggested due to a string of military losses sustained against outside forces Rome became weakened military. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries. Today the western democracies are being invaded by the hordes of Islam. Multitudes of Muslims are now well entrenched in Europe, America, Great Britain, and even in Australia. Islam cannot assimilate with any other culture. It may seem subservient within western democracies but Sharia Law and allegiance to the teachings of the Quran are still mandatory for all Muslims wherever Islam spreads. Primarily, through migration, Islam is invading the western democracies.

With Islamic terrorist activities and Islamic involvement in western politics and with the open migration policies of most western countries if the truth be known, Islam is taking over the western nations. Muslims have lots of children so in the long term the western countries where Islam spreads are in danger of becoming Islamic. In a democratic society people vote in the leaders they want. If you have a majority Muslim population established then over time they can vote in the government  they want. It was the Trojan horse that destroyed Troy and it will be the ‘Islamic Trojan Horse’ that will untimely bring about the demise of western democracy as we know it.

Secondly, Rome fell because of economic troubles.

The Romans faced many economic problems that included inflation, decrease in trade and unemployment. There was a drastic drop in the value of money and rise in prices. Raiders threatened ships and caravans on sea and land.  With its economy faltering and its commercial and agricultural production in decline, the Empire began to lose its grip on Europe. Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor.

Today we see the economy of most western countries taking ‘a hit.’ Inflation is epidemic in the western nations. Unemployment and growing poverty is increasing, especially in a highly technical age with many non-technical employees being made redundant by technological advancement. Whether it is in Europe, America, or in Great Britain or even in Australia businesses closing and people out of work is on the increase. With the coming of Covid-19 these economic problems have intensified globally.

Thirdly, Rome fell because of an overreliance upon slave labour.

Probably over a quarter of the people living under ancient Roman rule were slaves. Today with the advance of technology a time will come when there will be the haves and the have nots and the have nots will be in the majority. This in itself will bring about a centralised form of control by western governments by which people will be monitored and forced to rely upon the government for their basic necessities. Civil unrest is becoming a very prevalent feature in the western democracies. When you look at most of the political parties and the leaders of Europe, Great Britain, America and even in Australia you see a very strong swing politically towards a socialist form of government.

Fourthly, Rome fell because of overexpansion and military spending.

While Rome was a vast empire, not only in the west, but stretching into the Middle-East its legions were spread throughout the empire but there were not enough legions to stop the rising tide of enemy attacks on the frontiers of Rome. The Roman government started to run out of money. Added to this their military forces were too outstretched to stop the Barbarian invasions. Eventually the western leg of the empire fell to the barbarians in 476AD.

Today we have seen a decline in American military involvement with other nations. Even the United nations are no longer a formidable military force. Added to this neither is the European Union for that matter. There was a time when America was the global police force, as it were, ahead of the other nations but now its military power is waning whereas China is now becoming virtually the major player in the global military scenario. The two immerging global powers are Islam and China. As for Russia it has economic problems and is not the superpower it once was even though they have very highly sophisticated arsenal with technological capabilities.

Fifthly, Rome fell because of Government corruption and political instability.

Corruption at the political level was rampant within the Political corridors of Rome. Bribery and corruption were widespread among the senators in Rome. The Roman Senate, failed to temper the excesses of the emperors due to its own widespread corruption and incompetence. As the situation worsened, civic pride waned and many Roman citizens lost trust in their leadership. Corruption and political instability plague most western democracies today. The recent presidential election in America, the ‘face’ of the free world, is a prime example. Even in Israel we see political unrest and division. Money and power are dangerous enemies of a democratic government and society as it inevitably brings about despotic rule and rulers and ultimately self-destructs.

Sixthly, Rome fell because of its spiritual and moral bankruptcy.

Within the Roman Empire you had widespread paedophilia even among the Caesars and the nobles. You had religious cultic prostitution endorsed and encouraged throughout the entire empire. There was bestiality, transsexuality, homosexuality, lesbianism and many false religions declaring that their way was the way to the ‘gods’. Rome was a morally and spiritually decadent empire. Even after Constantine ‘Christianised’ the Roman Empire many pagan traditions, ceremonies, and pagan practices were also ‘Christianised.’

The decline of Rome had dovetailed with the spread of Christianity, and some have argued that the rise of a new faith helped contribute to the empire’s fall. Biblical Christianity did much to destroy the pagan ‘gods; of Rome. However, the ‘new faith’ became spiritually corrupted after the time of Constantine who claimed to be a Christian but most probably wasn’t. For him Christianity was a political manoeuvre even though he saw the effect Bible believing Christians had on the morals and ethics. They served faithfully in the military and were good for the economy.

Today we see this fact of spiritual deception and corruption within the Roman Catholicism. When you look at the long history of the Roman Catholic Church in the west the two people groups they persecuted the most were Jews and born again, Bible believing Christians who stayed true to the Word of God paid dearly for their faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and to his Word the Bible. Of course the Roman Pontiffs (the Papacy) were a continuation of the Pagan Pontiffs being the Caesars of Rome.

In the Vatican many of the entombed Popes have on their coffins the emblems or coat of arms of Pagan Roman Emperors. The persecution of faithful born again Bible believers that occurred at the hands of the Pagan Roman Caesars continued at the hands of the Roman Papacy that rose to power after the time of Constantine. As for false prophets and teachers and ‘enchanters’ using Christianity as a cloak for their greed and spiritual bankruptcy, these are an infestation within wider Christendom today. Even in the first century when the apostles were still alive false prophets and teachers abounded. Today it is virtually a global pandemic within those western democracies historically and traditionally associated with Christianity.

To sum up…

These six conspicuous features that marked Rome and undoubtedly contributed to its downfall we see prevalent in the western democracies today. The barbarian hordes of Islam are closing in on western democracy. While we see China as a major threat to global stability it is Islam that is confronting the western democracies and a direct threat to Christendom.

By and large the western nations including wider Christendom have forsaken the righteousness acceptable to God that can only come through faith in our Lord Jesus. (Romans 3:22) This righteousness from God will establish and exult any nation that embraces it, but those nations that reject God’s righteous standards will inevitably reap what they have sown. Indeed as we read in God’s Word, “Righteousness exults a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people.”

Let’s face it, not only the western democracies, but this whole world is on a downward spiral spiritually, morally, ethically, socially, politically and headed for the pit of Hades and ultimately for the lake of fire. (Psalm 9:17) As for those western democracies traditionally and historically associated with Christianity, the sun is setting in the west!

As we see the whole world spinning out of control and racked by war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, ecological disasters and nations in turmoil with political leaders finding no way out, the only saving factor will be the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus the Messiah to rescue His elect and to save the world from annihilating itself. (Luke 21:25-26) (Matthew 24:21-24).

When our Lord Jesus the Messiah comes back righteousness, justice and peace will prevail in Israel and in all of the surviving nations of the world. His Word, the Torah, will go out from Mount Zion in the City of David and from Jerusalem, and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. As Isaiah writes, “The law (Torah) will go out from Zion, the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:3b) And again Habakkuk writes, “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

In that day the Messiah’s kingdom will be the only kingdom and His headquarters at Jerusalem, the only capital of the world. (Isaiah 2:1-5) (Micah 4:1-5) The surviving nations will be forced to go up year by year to Jerusalem to worship the Lord and those nations who refuse will feel the iron rod of His rule. (Zechariah 14:16-21) For Israel as a nation and for the faithful Body of the Messiah very tough times are ahead but their rescue will come!  (Jeremiah 30:1-10) (Matthew 24:29-31)

Rome fell as all kingdoms of this world will ultimately fall. When the dust of battle finally settles the only ones left standing in victory will be the Messiah our Lord Jesus and His saints. Their reign will be glorious for all to behold both on earth and in the heavens! This is the true light at the end of this dark tunnel of this present world that is getting darker by the hour. At the end, when the world is passing through its darkest hour, the light and glory of the Lord Jesus will be seen resting upon those who have persevered to the end. (Isaiah 60:1-3) (Matthew 24:13)

For the western democracies and apostate Christendom the sun has well and truly set in the west! However, in the coming Messianic Kingdom for faithful believing Jews and Gentiles grafted together as the Israel of God under the Messiah, there will only be one Shepherd and one flock! (John 10:16) (Matthew 8:11) To this the prophets and the apostles testify in the Word of God which “is settled forever in heaven!” (Psalm 119:89 KJV) Ultimately, it will not be a case of if, but when the sun sets in the west.