There is no doubt that Israel has been the leading ‘test case’ for those ‘global Elitists’ promoting the COVID-19 vaccines. An email was sent to me a week ago via the Israel Unwired Website that had included the video testimony of Dr Malone related to the unnecessary vaccination of children. There is also included another video related to the after effects of the vaccines on Israeli citizens who had been fully vaccinated.

The introductory paragraph reads; “Dr. Robert Malone is noted as being one of the creators of the mRNA vaccine technology upon which some of the covid-19 vaccines are based upon. His name can be seen on the patent. The Pfizer vaccine, which is used in Israel, is also based on this mRNA vaccine technology. Even though Dr. Malone took the vaccine himself, he is now vocal against it. Recently, he put out a message specifically to parents warning against administering the vaccine to children. Dr. Malone’s video and written message can be seen below.

It seems that Dr. Robert Malone’s warnings about the shot for kids have gone viral in Israel and that Israel’s Ministry of Health is so concerned that it put out a whole long “debunking Dr. Malone” post on face book. While the Ministry of Health post tries to discredit him, a vast majority of the comments from the public are calling out the Ministry of Health as lying to the public.”

One thing that needs to be said is that the current ’round’ of vaccinations is not the mark of the beast system of government but it does seem to be a pre-curser of the type of thing that will come in the very near future. Many of our brothers and sisters in the wider Body of the Messiah have had the vaccines and they have done nothing wrong or to feel guilty about. The downside of the mRNA vaccines is that they are still experimental and there have been no studies produced related to the long term effects of these ‘vaccines’ health wise.

It does seem that behind this global ‘push’ for vaccinations is a deceptive  diabolical plan being set in place in the unseen spiritual world controlled by Satan to prepare people voluntarily to receive the final mark of allegiance to his kingdom of darkness which he will initiate through his man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4).

Satan is seeking to make Israel the ‘test’ case because he knows that God’s end-time prophetic purposes depend on Israel’s survival. Satan is seeking to prevent the Second Coming of the Messiah our Lord Jesus any way he can and Satan is going all-out to destroy Israel. However, he has lost the war and his defeat is inevitable. He experienced his first defeat was at Jerusalem in 33AD and will also experience his final defeat at Jerusalem as well.

Having said this we need to ask God for wisdom to recognise the mark of the beast system of government when it clearly manifests itself which will also involve worship and an unswerving allegiance to a centralised form of a tyrannical despotic government and its creed of allegiance to its leader.

This whole scenario related to the mark of the Beast system of government calls for divinely calculated wisdom on our part (Revelation 13:18). God will give us the wisdom we need to calculate the situation when we ask for His wisdom in faith (James 1:5-6). Already we have seen a global move to mandate vaccines mostly for authorised workers and this in itself forces many to comply with a centralised form of government mandate.

People are being ‘conditioned’ to do whatever their respective governments are telling them to do so that they will even give up their freedoms to keep their security and lifestyles that are not dependent on God but on man and the pleasures, material possessions, money, power and fleshly pursuits this fallen temporary world can offer them.

In many countries now thousands are protesting vaccine mandates and the politicians cannot ignore this. Satan is actively at work behind the scenes setting up the global population to ultimately take the mark and worship its leader who will be a man in whom Satan will dwell personally. The man of sin is also called “the son of perdition.” The only other man to be given this title was Judas Iscariot of whom we are told that “Satan entered him” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) (Luke 22:3) (John 13:27).

I am inclined to think, not saying it will be exactly this way, but it seems that the ultimate and final Beast system of government of global proportions will be an Islamic Empire that will hijack the western democracies and utilise western technology to enforce the mark of the beast system of government. This “mark” will not only include a personal ID number and one’s personal and banking details, but also contain the creed of Islam.

Without this “mark” one will not be able to buy or sell within the whole realm of this empire of global proportions (Revelation 13:17). Already we see Muslims around the world wearing a headband around their forehead and an armband around their right arm with the creed of Islam printed on them. These are badges of servitude to Islam (Revelation 13:16). This can also be viewed as a pre-curser for the mark. The Muslim world is not backward in technology.

To take this mark will mean allegiance to the creed of Islam. Once one has taken this ‘mark of servitude’ there will be no turning back from an eternal and conscious torment in perdition (Revelation 14:9-11). There are already Muslims in key positions in western governments especially in America, Great Britain and in many European countries, not to mention the mass migration of Muslims from the Middle-East into Europe. The “Islamic Trojan Horse” is well entrenched in the western democracies.

The Billionaire elitists with their globalist ambitions in the west working towards their so called ‘Great Reset’ may refine their technology but at the end of their endeavours find an implacable enemy that will unleash the time of Great Tribulation unparalleled in past history and never to be equalled again and even these Billionaires will not be able to stop it. For the sake of His elect people and for the very survival of the planet God will cut those days of Great Tribulation short and send the Lord Jesus back to sort everything out and that big time! (Matthew 24:21-22,27).

When the man of sin desecrates a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem it is at that point that the mark will come into force within the realm of his empire which will expand into one of global proportions (Matthew 24:15) (Revelation 13:3-4). In the end the only event that will destroy the man of sin and his beast empire will be the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus to establish His Messianic Kingdom and inaugurate His Millennial reign on earth (Revelation 19:11-21; 20:1-6) (Daniel 2:34-35, 44-45).

Dear brothers and sisters in the Messiah our Lord Jesus, when these sorts of things such as we face with COVID-19 begin to happen, we need to stand up straight and lift up our heads and keep looking heavenwards with expectant faith because our redemption out of this present evil age according the will of God our Father in heaven is drawing near (Luke 21:28). These “trials” and “tests” (tribulation- Greek thlipsis) we are facing today, due to COVID-19 and the events surrounding this whole scenario, and especially in light of many wicked and unprincipled politicians and medical professionals seemingly getting away with their wicked and vile deeds, will all come to an end when our Lord Jesus returns to this planet. Vengeance and Victory will be His! (1 Thessalonians 2:6-10a). Dear brothers and sisters the rescue is coming!!!

God is going to rescue all of His precious blood purchased, blood washed, blood sanctified saints out of this time of Great Tribulation at the very end of it, and repay the wicked for their wickedness who have shed innocent blood and dared to afflict the wider Body of the Messiah (Matthew 24:29-31) (Revelation 11:15-18; 17:6). Let’s not forget brothers and sisters that as New Covenant believers we are on the winning side! Our Commander in Chief the Messiah our Lord Jesus is the Rider on the White Horse who will descend to this earth with the armies of heaven following in His train to dispense truth, justice and righteousness and to inaugurate His Millennial reign!

As the Apostle Paul writes; “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, persistent in prayer” (Romans 12:12). God will avenge and bring about justice for His elect saints who cry out to Him day and night because of the affliction from their adversary Satan and God will not put them off but will avenge them speedily! (Luke 18:6-8). At the end in the Messiah we win!!! (Daniel 7:13-14, 22, 26-27).



