Peace For Our Time?

Frustration over settlements?

Yesterday according to a headline in the online Edition of Israel Today it read “Report Hints at Trump’s Frustration Over Israel Settlements.” The article went on to say; “Many right-wing Israelis felt it was too good to be true. Certain government ministers and political figures openly urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take advantage of Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States and initiate a massive wave of settlement building. Others counselled caution, noting Trump’s volatile nature. If Trump ended up being negative on settlements, his backlash could be even more damaging than the years of former President Barack Obama’s policies. Initially, there was some indication that Trump actually backed the Jewish settlement enterprise, or at least wasn’t bothered by it. After all, why else would he appoint an openly pro-settlement ambassador like David Friedman? But reports circulating in both the US and Israeli media Monday morning now indicate that Trump is none-too-impressed by even the limited Jewish settlement building of the past several months. The American news portal Axiom reported that during a phone conversation with Netanyahu late last year, Trump pointedly asked the Israeli leader if he really even wants peace with the Palestinians. Trump was reportedly responding to news of a new settlement building project that he felt was unnecessarily angering the Palestinians. Of course, Trump himself has experienced just how easily the Palestinian leadership can be angered. After he insisted that the peace process be based on more realistic parameters, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas publicly wished for the White House to crumble upon Trump’s head.”

Political expediency?

If President Trump really understands the Biblical facts concerning the land of Israel and the boundaries God has set out in His Word for the people of Israel to have as their inheritance from Him then would President Trump even hint or show some sign of displeasure in the settlements being built in Israel?” Political expediency seems to be a common ailment that affects all politicians at one time or another. Of course the media can and do report ‘rumours’ of one sort or another in their ‘snooping’ but as everyone knows can the media really be trusted to report things as they really are? Added to this most of the media outlets always make Israel look like ‘the bad boys.’ When you consider the Presidency of JF Kennedy he did not mince words and as far as I know when he clearly stated what he would do he did everything he could to make it happen. I am persuaded his assassination was ‘an inside job’ because he was prepared to hit the Russians hard over the Cuban Missile Crisis and go against popular political opinion and expediency, but that is a subject in itself.

Supportive of Israel?

What will President Trump do if there is a direct threat from Russia and that is a possibility given the volatile situation in Syria at present? Is it possible that President Trump is not as supportive of Israel in some aspects as many would like to think that he is? It was a great thing for President Trump to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and to relocate the US Embassy in Jerusalem and he has taken a very courageous step in doing what he has said he will do but how ‘committed’ is he to Israel’s overall welfare and this includes their expansion of settlements. Why would he be opposed to this if he really understood the Bible concerning Israel’s inheritance allotted to them by God? Biblically speaking the Israel’s has every right to rebuild settlements within the boundaries of the land of Israel given to the Jewish people by God to be for them “an everlasting possession.” (Genesis 15:17-19; 17:7-8) Does President Trump acknowledge this even though he knows the mentality and ‘mindset’ of Abbas and Co?

The Iranian nuclear ‘deal’

Added to this what about the Iranian nuclear deal brokered by Obama? It has not as yet been dismantled. While European governments know the threat that Iran poses to global peace and security as President Trump also knows, will they along with the Trump Administration really stop Iran’s nuclear programme dead in its tracks? Will President Trump completely pull out of the Iran nuclear deal even at the opposition of the European powers? Will he try to opt out for ‘political expediency’ or under political pressure from his colleagues in the White House re-negotiate the deal or make the firm decision to scrap it altogether? If President Trump really has Israel’s interests at heart then he will completely dismantle the Iranian nuclear deal.

North Korea a factor?

It is interesting that President Trump is now going to meet Kim Jong-un “the fat boy” as President Trump called him. Israeli intelligence has already established that North Korean technicians are known to be helping Iran in their nuclear missile programme. The reality is that Kim Jong-un is known for his inconsistency where changing his mind is concerned. President Trump also has this tendency at times. Personally it does not seem convincing that any real good will come from this meeting. On the surface it may seem a peace of sorts will be arrived at but I am thinking of what Neville Chamberlain said and did after his meeting with Adolph Hitler in 1938. When Chamberlain arrived back on British soil he held up a piece of paper signed personally by Adolph Hitler and with jubilee in his voice proclaimed to the media and to the whole world “Peace for our time!” Soon after his declaration to the media the following year in 1939 Adolph Hitler invaded Poland consequently kick-starting WWII. In considering Iran we may also consider and factor North Korea into the current situation.

Urgency and immediacy

If America is attacked will it even be able to defend Israel? I am reminded what the Apostle Paul wrote; “For you are fully aware that the day of the LORD will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2-4) There can be no real and lasting peace until the Prince of Peace comes back to inaugurate His Millennial Messianic Kingdom on earth. As believers in the Lord Jesus the Messiah we should constantly pray for President Trump and Mike Pence as they seek to steer a very difficult and dangerous course in global politics, however, the main focus in praying for what is happening in our world should be that which the Lord Jesus taught us to pray; “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” Or as the Greek text renders it “Let your Kingdom come NOW! Let Your will be done NOW on earth as it is being done in heaven!” (Matthew 6:10) There is an urgency and immediacy conveyed in praying this prayer.

Work while you have the light

In praying for the peace of Jerusalem we are not only praying for the Messiah to come back to rescue Israel and to save the world from annihilating itself but also that many Jewish people in Israel right now might come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus their Messiah. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is coming for Israel and for the whole world at large for that matter, and all of us who believe in the Lord Jesus and follow Him, we “must work while we have the light because the night is coming when no man will be able to work!” (John 9:4)